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Financial Chronicle

Financial Chronicle3.0.1

  • 分类:报刊杂志
  • 大小:8.13MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:3.0.1
  • 时间:2022-01-25 07:58:08
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited

应用软件Tags: ONIN

Financial Chronicle (FC), from the Hyderabad-based Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd was launched on 16th April, 2008, by India’s youngest team of media professionals, and in the shortest-ever run-up for a newspaper.
Financial Chronicle (FC) is the flagship of a proposed multi-brand platform in the business journalism space from Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd, focusing on the various sectors of Indian economy. It is positioned to aid high net worth individuals in taking investment decisions.
The multiple platforms of FC have been crafted to target specific audience communities to deliver information on sectors based on their economic weightage and investment flows since opening up of the Indian economy in 1991.
Financial Chronicle also launched its website www.mydigitalfc.com , in the same year, designed as India’s first business networking platform.
Financial Chronicle’s iPhone App provides you an opportunity to avail the newspaper’s complete insight and also continuously updated articles. This app brings the news paper and its content one step closer to the users enabling them to personalize and share their favorite news articles and read it from anywhere for free.
•All content available for free.
•Top News: Latest Financial news as and when they occur from all over the world.
•My Money: Mutual Funds, Insurance, Banking and Real Estate news.
•My Stocks: News from Stock Market, derivatives and Commodities segments.
•My Brands: Brands, Companies, Products, Advertising and Consumer related news.
•My World: Governance, Policies, Economy and Politics news
•My Space: Careers, Opportunities, Enterprises, Knowledge and Technology updates.
•My Mind: Editorial, Op-Ed, Columns
•FC Supplements: FC Invest, FC Know, FC Build and FC Roar.
•FC Weekend: Special pullout from Print edition on every Saturday.
•Share: Users can share their favorite stories and pictures through mail, facebook and twitter.
•Comment: Users can post comments for any and every story.
•Breaking news: Get Breaking news and other alerts from Financial Chronicle via push notification.
•Incorporated in News Stand App.
•Simple and easy navigation.
Financial Chronicle V3.0.1更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Minor bugs fixed

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