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CS Interiors

CS Interiors6.0

  • 分类:报刊杂志
  • 大小:38.92MB
  • 语言:DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, EL, HI, IT, JA, KO, NB, PT, ZH, ES, SV, TH, TR
  • 版本:6.0
  • 时间:2022-02-15 02:47:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:BlueToad, Inc.

应用软件Tags: iocsIN

Download the ultimate luxury home design resource for Chicago. CS Interiors covers the world of luxury home design showcasing the city’s most talked about high-end homes, from architecturally significant mansions to the ultimate hideaways and everything in between. If you appreciate design trends you will love the exceptional photography, insightful editorial and modern aesthetic.

The CS Interiors magazine app offers a luxury home design resources for both the design conscious reader and the industry professional. With interactive page flipping, a zoom feature, bookmarking, searching and sharing your favorite articles allow an enhanced magazine experience right anywhere and anytime you choose to read.

Key Features:
• Every new issue is push notified right to you.
• Read great reviews of the best luxury home products and services.
• Check out the latest design trends and must-have furniture.
• Exclusive coverage of the most extravagant homes in Chicago real estate.
• Exclusive Chicago Marketplace with comprehensive retail listings.
• Easy to navigate indexing and search functionality.

Modern Luxury is the premier luxury lifestyle publisher in the United States. With titles in the most influential major cities, Modern Luxury excels in capturing the urbane metropolitan lifestyle.

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Terms of Service:
CS Interiors V6.0更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- New Design: an intuitive and eye-catching design that looks great on both smaller iPhone and larger iPad screens

- New Article View: Quickly view all articles in the issue from the Issue Gallery (Hub)

- Added New Menu: Allows quick access to all views in the app from the Issue Gallery (Hub).  This will also include social media links and publisher website links.

- New Advertisers View: Advertisers will appear in the same “tile” format as seen in the “Contents View” when accessed from the new Menu.

- Compatibility updates for iOS 10

- Minor bug fixes and stability enhancements

- Native 64-bit compliant

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本站网友:cmxwy在2015-05-01 21:44:59回复:CS Interiors,为什么ipad air2不能打开杂志?
本站网友:1111111iris在2014-09-12 17:46:54回复:求助,nice,thanks
本站网友:cc111020在2014-07-22 09:46:12回复:nice~,?~~~
本站网友:一体791125在2014-06-30 17:49:18回复:很有感觉?,nice
本站网友:*+风+*在2014-06-29 03:41:39回复:nice,图好
本站网友:Richard ding114在2013-08-19 08:03:56回复:可以,从很早以前就一直很喜欢这本杂志
本站网友:kund回忆在2013-07-19 15:41:32回复:赞,很有参考价值
本站网友:Thomaszzhou在2013-06-12 19:39:13回复:不错,great
本站网友:开心lulu在2013-06-05 18:18:54回复:Very helpful,大爱〜〜
本站网友:周bottle在2013-05-29 20:47:54回复:太棒了!,期数有点太少
本站网友:Superman_123在2013-05-12 09:09:21回复:期数有点太少,清晰就是没中文字幕
本站网友:三三A n d re w在2013-04-10 17:42:11回复:清晰可观,非常好,值得喜愛家居設計的朋友閱讀
本站网友:YungYeung在2013-03-31 00:38:45回复:Interiors,good
本站网友:jyyoung在2013-03-22 03:19:07回复:good,π_π
本站网友:邓星在2013-03-21 04:32:18回复:good,Good
本站网友:Fatboy888999在2013-03-18 08:55:35回复:Good,有点意境
本站网友:lightino在2013-02-10 14:20:56回复:不错很好,Best of the best
本站网友:tea_coffee在2013-02-10 05:29:09回复:Good,很不错,喜欢这种风格
本站网友:ffh j在2013-01-24 03:06:44回复:不错,like it!
本站网友:Irene Carey在2013-01-22 22:46:47回复:gooooooood!^_^,Its very nice and helpful for my study!
本站网友:Daeyu在2013-01-11 03:58:04回复:Good,内容很好、但是打开的时候太卡
本站网友:echo0055在2012-12-29 16:57:53回复:不错、但是太卡,Im like it!
本站网友:mososa在2012-12-14 06:50:19回复:Good!,It is good and useful, I like it
本站网友:茜·妮妮在2012-11-18 16:27:07回复:good,還不錯了,喜歡看。
本站网友:Shaoliang在2012-11-04 00:07:39回复:不錯!,very good!
本站网友:www•co在2012-09-01 16:48:12回复:评论,非常高兴找到这个,漂亮,内容丰富。是设计师开阔视野,接触外界的良好途径。
本站网友:davidmingli在2012-07-11 04:31:53回复:非常好,Great magazine! I strongly recommend it to anyone whos doing decoration and with a taste.
本站网友:高球手在2012-07-09 18:19:24回复:Great stuff!,very good
本站网友:玻璃冰儿在2012-07-06 21:56:53回复:good,非常好,就是下载太慢
本站网友:呆头呆脑88在2012-06-29 08:25:44回复:好,对装修很有帮助,就是下载速度很慢
本站网友:咖啡调在2012-06-23 12:51:34回复:很赞,希望速度快一点。。。。
本站网友:guanqijun在2012-06-22 08:17:36回复:好喜欢!,很好,喜欢!
本站网友:leer1183在2012-06-18 09:40:27回复:很好,喜欢!,以怎样的态度对世界,世界就以怎样的生活回馈你
本站网友:yytomato在2012-06-16 21:11:14回复:设计的是一种生活,对中国大部分中小户型来讲有些不实用,不过杂志本身还是好的,下载太慢了
本站网友:Thirdseason33在2012-05-29 08:17:44回复:好,但都是超大house的装修,内容没话说了,赞!但每次都loading很久,等到没耐心看下去!
本站网友:999aben在2012-05-24 17:54:13回复:很精彩但很慢,非常好,支持一下!好书还免费,谢谢发行方!
本站网友:Windcxf在2012-05-19 03:01:22回复:非常好,支持一下!好书还免费,谢谢发行方!,相当不错,支持一下。
本站网友:攝者行也在2012-05-17 10:58:04回复:相当不错,支持一下。,為什麼下載比以前慢這么多,以前可以邊下邊看的。
本站网友:Raindrop25在2012-05-09 19:45:22回复:很不錯,下載比以前慢很多,内容丰富,图片清晰漂亮
本站网友:MK-Yao在2012-05-05 05:50:17回复:值得一看,非常不错!
本站网友:Ethan 龙飞在2012-04-12 23:08:11回复:Nice!,一个总是给你展现美的杂志!
本站网友:董玉明在2011-12-31 19:08:54回复:非常好,让我学习到很多的一本设计杂志
本站网友:fhfakejuhf在2011-11-25 18:40:41回复:很好,feel good
本站网友:Whj67在2011-10-24 18:40:02回复:创意,非常好的杂志!
本站网友:Perfect64在2011-09-17 07:27:39回复:非常好!,很喜欢,希望国内的装修设计师能好好看一看。


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