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Colorado DMV Permit Test.

Colorado DMV Permit Test.1.1

  • 分类:报刊杂志
  • 大小:33.68MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2022-02-23 22:49:14
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://pminfotech1234.blogspot.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Nilu Rathod

应用软件Tags: OLOMV

Are you applying for the Colorado DMV certification? Use this app to clear the DMV Test and get permit on the first go.

This app includes questions based on official DMV state manual. The app allows you to prepare and practice for the Car, Motorcycle and Commercial Driving Licence test.

It is designed keeping in mind the learning needs of a user applying for a driving licence and best learning practices established by researchers. Users using this application finds it very easy to answer the questions asked in real test.

Following is a brief overview of the facilities provided by the app.

- Practice tests design specially for you.
- Bookmark questions you want to look at a later stage.
- Keep your progress for each pratice test and view history.
- Scope of improvements suggested based on your performance.
- Practice test for Car, Motorcycle and Commercial Vehicle.
- Exceptionally large set of questions which covers every aspects of the test.
- Very intuitive and clutter free User Interface.
Colorado DMV Permit Test. V1.1更新日志:
-bug fixes

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