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记账·家庭个人理财随手记 极简记账软件

记账·家庭个人理财随手记 极简记账软件1.13.5

  • 分类:财务
  • 大小:18.7MB
  • 语言:EN, RU
  • 版本:1.13.5
  • 时间:2022-03-03 06:04:29
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Anton Kremenetsky
Do you know where your money is going? A lot of people ask this question and in order to get it, you just need to start keeping records of personal finances. Cash Guard is your best assistant with this routine. It allows keeping such records without any problem.
An intuitive and easy-to-use interface complete with the necessary functionality makes such a tedious process not annoyable. You will quickly find out where your money is, which means you can start saving.

Main features:

- Add new records quick&easy.

- Wide range of categories.
 Ability to create custom categories.
- Use as many accounts as you need.
- All major currencies are supported.
- Instant overview of all finances.
- Using convenient reports, you can find out how much money you spend per day, week, month or any other period.
- Budgets are the main tool to save your money. Cash Guard allows you to create convenient budgets.
- iOS 13 Dark Mode support.
记账·家庭个人理财随手记 极简记账软件 V1.13.5更新日志:
- Bug fixing

If you have any comments or suggestions please contact me at [email protected]

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