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Baker Boyer Mobile

Baker Boyer Mobile2.37.0

  • 分类:财务
  • 大小:73.09MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.37.0
  • 时间:2022-01-26 03:18:08
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.bakerboyer.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Baker Boyer National Bank

应用软件Tags: AK

Baker Boyer Mobile is your personal financial advocate that gives you the ability to aggregate all of your financial accounts, including accounts from other banks and credit unions, into a single view. It’s fast, secure and makes life easier by empowering you with the tools you need to manage your finances.

Here’s what else you can do with Baker Boyer Mobile:

Keep your transactions organized by allowing you to add tags, notes and photos of receipts and checks.
Set up alerts so you know when your balance drops below a certain amount
Make payments, whether you’re paying a company or a friend
Transfer money between your accounts
Deposit checks in a snap by taking a picture of the front and back
Reorder your debit card or turn it off if you’ve misplaced it
View and save your monthly statements
Find branches and ATMs near you

Secure your account with a 4-digit passcode and fingerprint or face reader on supported devices.

To use the Baker Boyer Mobile app, you must be enrolled as a Baker Boyer digital banking user. If you currently use our Internet Banking, simply download the app, launch it, and login with the same Internet Banking credentials.
Baker Boyer Mobile V2.37.0更新日志:
Version 2.37.0
• Bug fixes and performance improvements

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