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Augur Investor

Augur Investor1.0

  • 分类:财务
  • 大小:15.26MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-02-16 23:07:25
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:PM Asset Holdings Pty Ltd

应用软件Tags: IN

Created by investors, for investors this forecasting tool is essential to making sound investment decisions. For many investors, knowing the numbers on a property can be difficult to calculate and making the decision to either buy or notbuy can be tough.

Using Augur Investor, you will be armed with a sophisticated tool to calculate a number of different scenarios to discuss with your mortgage broker, accountant, financial planner or property professional.

With a user friendly interface, Augur Investor has been created by property investors with hands on experience buying, developing and growing property portfolios.

With fields for the property including the purchase price, rental income, expenses, depreciation and purchase costs you will have all this data in the sameplace.

There is a section for finance, which includes the loan amount, deposit, loan type, interest rate, loan costs you will have a clear understanding of your financefigures.

The investor tab, covers all of your personal financial information such as your income / joint income, current home loan repayments, work deductions, and current portfolio value the app automatically links to the ATO for updated tax tables.

The What If section allows the user to input date for CPI, Rental income & Expenses rate, as well as living expenses rate and capital growth rate. Each of these fields can be tailored to suit your individual requirements and when you are done you can simply save the file for later.

Lastly there is a summary tab that presents the final figures on the property that will show your cashflow position and the future value of the property. This information is extremely important when comparing different property types and also helps to take out the emotion from your decision making process.

1. (Historical Terms) Also called: auspex (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed and interpreted omens and signs to help guide the making of public decisions
2. to predict (some future event), as from signs or omens
3. (intr) to foreshadow future events to be as specified; bode: this augurs well forus.

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