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法国: 动词 共轭 Little

法国: 动词 共轭 Little3.0.5

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:17.13MB
  • 语言:NL, EN, FR, DE, IT, JA, KO, PT, RU, ES, TR
  • 版本:3.0.5
  • 时间:2022-03-14 10:45:25
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Miguel Herrero & Laura Müller

应用软件Tags: it

VerbForms Français Little is the easiest way to learn 30 french verbs and their conjugation.

VerbForms Français Little provides a unique set of tools and information:

• Instant translations in English, Spanish, Italian, Russian and German for all verbs without internet connection.
• Provides frequency information for each verb, making it easy to decide which verbs to learn first.
• You can hear the pronunciation of all verb forms by touching them on the screen.
• Irregular verb forms and orthographic features are marked with colors for easy recognition.
• Create lists with all the verbs you want to learn in an easy and comfortable way.
• Automatic error tracking by error lists helps you to keep learning progress under control. Once you successfully practiced a verb it will be removed from the error list.
• Enjoy learning the conjugation with the configurable multiple choice, flashcard and written exercises.

…and much, much more. VerbForms Français, the easiest way to learn French!
法国: 动词 共轭 Little V3.0.5更新日志:
• Support for iOS 13.
• Native support for iPhone Xs Max and iPhone Xr.

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