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Skelly - Poseable Anatomy Model for Artists

Skelly - Poseable Anatomy Model for Artists2.00

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:84.24MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.00
  • 时间:2022-01-06 14:07:46
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.proko.com/skellyapp/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Proko


Hey artists! Tired of scouring the internet for reference material? Does the NSA think you’re a weirdo for looking up all those skeleton pictures? Got no-body to pose for you? Its going tibia ok, the Skelly app is just what you need! With the Skelly app you can literally pull the inspiration you need right out of your pocket anywhere, anytime!

Skelly is a fully poseable, anatomically correct reference skeleton for artists. A simplified version of the skeleton is also included, named “Robo-Skelly”. These figures were created to make the study of anatomy easier and more enjoyable for students and professionals without leaving your wallets bone dry. They can also be used to inspire poses for drawing, painting, sculpting, illustration, animation, comics, manga, storyboarding, twerking, and to fully understand the anatomy of the human skeleton. No need for super gluteus, Skelly comes pre-assembled and ready to pose as soon as you launch the app!

Learning the structure of the human body is the skeleton key to drawing the figure in an anatomically correct manner without having to clear your browser history to avoid awkward conversations with your loved ones. Whether you want to make works like Michelangelo or Miyazaki, Skelly will help you focus on your art and let you personalize his poses, rather than searching for reference material and hiring models. Learn to draw the skeleton from any angle without the inconvenient and morally questionable need to go grave robbing.


Anatomically correct skeleton
Simplified “Robo Skelly”
Proportions based on the teachings of Dr. Paul Richer
Skull fits perfectly into a “Loomis Head” as taught by Andrew Loomis
Poseable joints
Pose Library - choose from pre made poses and save your own
Movable camera
Adjustable light source
Choose light or dark background
Reset to neutral “Anatomical Pose”


James Gurney, author of ‘Color and Light’ and ‘Imaginative Realism’ Says:

"Bend him, twist him, contort him! The Skelly app lets you put a virtual human skeleton into any pose, and to see him from any angle, and in any lighting. It’s a great tool for art students or professionals wondering what the skeleton is really doing beneath a life pose, or for anyone wanting to visualize a pose from scratch. The interface is intuitive to learn and easy to use, without sacrificing any of the nuances of the human body’s complex range of movement. Skelly is a big improvement over the old wooden mannikin."

- Chris Oatley, Director Of The Oatley Academy Of Visual Storytelling Says:

"Skelly is the fastest, most fluid anatomical reference I have ever seen. I was shocked at how easy it is to pose the figure and direct the light source. Finally! It’s the app visual artists have been waiting for."

Have any questions? CONTACT US:

[email protected]
Skelly - Poseable Anatomy Model for Artists V2.00更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- A new Pose Library that comes with 27 pre-made poses.
- Save your own poses to the Pose Library.
- In the Pose Library, you can “Share Pose” to export it to your photo album, email, text message, printer, Facebook, Twitter, and more.
- New neck and scapula controllers for better… control of the scapula and neck.
- The UI is cleaner. You will see a new menu icon in the top left corner.
- Reset Pose was moved into the menu to prevent accidental resets.
- Various bug fixes

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本站网友:tygbfhjng在2020-11-27 20:46:29回复:Skelly - Poseable Anatomy Model for Artists,苹果系统更新后这个软件就闪退
本站网友:tssmyyyy在2020-11-16 07:29:05回复:闪退问题,软件的质感太棒了。关节的转动,灯光的设计都很合理化。总体都挺细致,使用感很好
本站网友:路打扮在2020-11-09 15:04:09回复:值!,纯支持proko,完全没必要买~这不是一个用心的产品!
本站网友:g c y c yu y在2020-06-09 18:40:56回复:?,太感谢他出的教程了
本站网友:8490268在2020-04-07 18:19:58回复:就是来支持一下proko,没有肌肉 有点失望
本站网友:小?1111111111111111在2020-02-25 19:25:35回复:为什么,很好用的模型!
本站网友:刚进忙在2020-02-11 05:32:51回复:proko~~,没有肌肉,同样的功能pofi无限人偶比这个好用多了
本站网友:求全语音扩展包???在2020-01-19 19:58:03回复:没有肌肉的嘛,这软件超棒啊,不理解为什么有人不会用还要打四星,动手就可以观察尺骨桡骨的旋前旋后运动、动锁骨的话肩胛骨和肱骨都会一起动,用这个软件参考真的很不错,目前没有看到比这更好的软件了。希望有电脑版,最好默认动作库里面再加一些动作,另外proko中文官网什么时候会安排啊?
本站网友:Rogerzoya在2020-01-01 19:53:53回复:直接动锁骨肩胛骨也会跟着动的!!,Hi Love the app! But also need some updates!1. Adapt the app to iPhone X and later screens.2. It will be good if Save feature can be added to the app where you can save pose created by users.Thanks
本站网友:真的非常不错啊是的很好啊棒棒的在2019-11-13 20:41:05回复:Update needed,评论上说肩胛骨不能动,我之前一直不敢下,后来还是下定决心下了哈哈哈?,,,他能动啊!!!!!!!!盆友们,肩胛骨带锁骨联动,手臂内旋外旋都可以,各个关节都能动!!!!简直完美,不是托,特地来评论的,这个真的好用啊???
本站网友:风和里在2019-07-24 13:28:22回复:特地来评论!!!,Nice rigged, and Anato Bean mode is sweet. But given this price, I wish there could be more helpful feature, say, female mode. And, it would be nice to have the UI optimized, the 3d gizmo is just too showy.
本站网友:超超超藻藻在2019-04-11 00:03:25回复:look forward to some updating,和同类app相比很优秀,但骨骼和造型动作的连贯性和某mmd制作软件相比还不够理想。脊柱的可动性有限,关节之间联动不够自然,导致很多姿势摆出来不符合真实人体的情况,尤其是需要参考骨骼来画肌肉的情况下,容易摸不着头脑。
本站网友:风旅人在2018-09-18 04:46:12回复:期待后续升级,有点失望,因为并不是所有关节都有联动的。比如肱骨和肩锁系统,我把肱骨向上抬到都穿过颅骨了,肩胛骨还是一动不动,这样对于想要了解手臂抬起时肩锁系统准确位置的我来说,就没有任何帮助了。如果所有关节都能像脊柱运动带动其他关节那样联动,就很完美了。优点是关节、角度和光线都可以随意调节,很方便用来参考着画。45的价格觉得略贵,如果能退款我一定会退款。不过不能退也算了,我还是很喜欢proko的,从他那里学了不少东西,就算是交一点点学费。四星给proko。
本站网友:普兰德死神在2018-03-25 06:04:39回复:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for proko,45这么一个东西,不好用,我摆一个pose,速写都能画n个了.就Max里的cs骨骼,还没有cs骨骼好用,pose也少,没肌肉看不清楚动作,有肌肉就好了!不建议买,你有钱,买了玩玩也行!
本站网友:寻幽败在2017-12-15 06:06:30回复:败家的我,总觉得自己败家
本站网友:SAVEKAI在2017-07-04 03:58:24回复:45,嘿呀,如题
本站网友:l365692902在2017-06-14 10:02:28回复:好久没更新了,希望添加肌肉设定,同类软件下了好几个,最后狠心花钱买了这个。比较之下真的好用,很适合学艺用解剖。搭配proko在youtube上的课程,事半功倍。
本站网友:mirrortao在2017-03-15 05:40:15回复:真的很棒,app很好很喜欢,但是怎么看到肌肉呢?有没有带肌肉的版本?
本站网友:生命金属A式在2017-03-03 20:44:08回复:好用,really useful,but i think it is not enough for me. If it could move every joint just like a real mankind maybe will be better
本站网友:鱼小光在2017-02-13 02:28:05回复:it is great app,If you can hide a part of the bones, it is better. I would like to be able to observe, for example, the pelvis and the chest.
本站网友:郭子joy在2016-09-11 19:44:06回复:Please improve,This app is awesome,but I cannot save my pose that I have set up,thats a bug I think
本站网友:在回复:how to save my pose?,


Skelly - Poseable Anatomy Model for Artists

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