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Endless Wine: Search & Track

Endless Wine: Search & Track2021.2

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:5.49MB
  • 语言:EN, HU
  • 版本:2021.2
  • 时间:2022-01-14 05:41:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://endlesswine.app
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Endless Flux Labs


Endless Wine is a Companion for Wine Enthusiasts that makes your wine experience even better:
- search through our growing wine database,
- use lots of filtering options,
- discover useful information about each wine,
- see average rating for wines,
- see reviews from other wine enthusiasts,
- find out the best or closest place to buy,
- save your own ratings and reviews,
- track wines you taste so you don't forget them,
- list tasted wines by rating, date and winery.

Soon there'll be plenty of additional features geared toward making wine tasting a blast:
- shoot photos of your wines so that you can identify them easier,
- turn your wine journey into a game by setting off on quests and collecting achievements,
- deepen your understanding about wine with interesting and useful information about all aspects of your wines,
- get ultra personalized recommendations to help you choose the best wines to try next,
- interact with winemakers, retailers and wine enthusiasts to level up your wine tasting experience,
- and many more features are planned for you to enjoy!

Come, join us on the journey!

Our intent is to make Endless Wine a fully international project very soon, but in the beginning we have to limit our focus on just one market, our home country, Hungary.

This means right now the app speaks just two languages, English and Hungarian, and our wine database contains almost exclusively wines that are available to buy at Hungarian wine retailers, which are mostly Hungarian wines but also a great selection of wines from around the world.
Endless Wine: Search & Track V2021.2更新日志:
The new Price Filter is ready to go! You are now able to filter wines by any price range you choose, and also see a chart about the number of wines available on different price levels. We hope you'll like the new feature!

Some additional polishing and bug fixing:
- we changed the order of the wine filters to put frequently used ones in front,
- the number of wines shown next to the filter options now take into account the keywords used in text search,
- if you add a new wine to the app, and don't know its alcohol content, you now have the option to choose Unknown,
- the slow Internet connection alert will show up only if your connection is really too slow,
- and we also squashed a couple of minor bugs related to wine ratings.

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