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Mushroom Id Guide - UK

Mushroom Id Guide - UK8.9

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:140.47MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:8.9
  • 时间:2022-01-15 08:29:25
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://sunbird.tv/de/sunbird-apps-ebooks/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Mullen & Pohland GbR


A stunning guide to fungi of the British Isles.
Mushroom Id will help you quickly and easily identify species.

Mushroom Id is great fun to use. Identification can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Mushroom Id has been created by professional published ecologists, and uses images selected with the specific aim of aiding identification. Anatomical, ecological and taxonomic information is also included.

Mushroom Id can be used to keep a log of your fungi sightings making it easy to build a record of all the species you've seen.

SUNBIRD apps appear in Countryfile's top 10, and have been described as "incredibly useful" by ITV's Seth Conway and "lovely" by Adam Vaughan of the Guardian.

SUNBIRD field guides are the only products on the market that use the KUSAM species identification methodology. This state of the art method is a modern taxonomic keying system designed specifically for use on mobile devices.

The app does not need an internet connection, all content is downloaded when the app is purchased. We will be adding new species regularly. Don't forget to keep your app up to date.

We use the term 'Mushroom' to mean any type of fungi. Traditionally the term has been used only for Field Mushrooms by some, gilled fungi by others. There is no scientific limitation on the term and we have used it in this app for all types of fungi.

The app is intended for the general interest user with a love of the natural world. The app is not intended for use when foraging for wild foods and we strongly recommend you do not handle or eat wild mushrooms, many are extremely poisonous and easily misidentified.

Sunbird Images also develop apps for other companies see our website for details:
Mushroom Id Guide - UK V8.9更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Solved a problem regarding the iPad Pro list view!

- More species, more images
- New icon

Works beautifully on all your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices.

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