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Oven Recipes for You!

Oven Recipes for You!1.3

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:76.42MB
  • 语言:AZ, EN, KK, RU, UK
  • 版本:1.3
  • 时间:2022-01-16 05:05:25
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Dmytro Mashchenko


We offer to you a lot of oven recipes: main dishes oven recipes, meat in the oven recipes, snacks in the oven recipes, savory baking in the oven recipes, sweet baking in the oven recipes and other recipes.

All oven recipes are presented with simple and detailed instructions and photo.

You can choose your liked recipes and keep in your favorites.

The application does not require the Internet and your favorite recipes will always be with you, even when you have no network on your device!

All oven recipes are divided into the categories for easy use.

All recipes are presented with photos for quickly selection. You can find a recipe for your mood!
Easy recipes using ingredients you already have in the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offer can be both prepared and cooked in 30 minutes or less, from start to finish.

We offer to you a lot recipes of:

• Delicious recipes in the oven: meat dishes recipes in the oven, recipes of poultry in the oven, recipes of fish dishes in the oven, recipes of sweet and savory baking in the oven, etc.;

• Tasty recipes in the oven with potatoes: potato with cheese recipes, flaky potato casserole recipes in the oven, potatoes with cheese and garlic recipes in the oven, recipes of stuffed dishes with potato, etc.;

• A lot of snack recipes for oven: cheese cake recipes for oven, recipes of hot sandwiches in the oven, pie recipes in the oven, potato chips in the oven, roll recipes;

• Yummy recipes of pizza in the oven;

• Recipes of baked ratatouille;
• Recipes of casseroles and cheesecakes in the oven;
• Quick recipes of breakfast omelets in the oven;
• Recipes of simple and quick cakes in the oven and much more!

Cook with pleasure!
Oven Recipes for You! V1.3更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- fixed bugs

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