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Union Square Greenmarket

Union Square Greenmarket1.2.0



Don’t miss the season’s first peas and peaches! Find out if pheasant eggs and fiddlehead ferns are for sale before heading to the market. GrowNYC’s flagship Union Square Greenmarket offers hundreds of varieties of fruits, vegetables and more from regional farmers every Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat from 8am-6pm. With this app you can:

· Find out which producers are at market and what they’re selling, updated daily

· Browse the thousands of varieties of fruits & vegetables grown by Greenmarket farmers and learn when they are in season

· Get information about who our farmers are, what they grow, and where their farms are located

· View a daily map of the market

Each week more than 140 farmers, bakers, beekeepers, fishers & other producers come to Union Square with the food that they grow, raise, bake or catch and sell directly to New Yorkers at GrowNYC's Union Square Greenmarket–one of the country’s largest producer-only markets.
Learn about our 50+ other markets in New York City: http://www.grownyc.org/greenmarket/ourmarkets
Greenmarket was founded in 1976 with a two-fold mission: to promote regional agriculture by providing small family farms the opportunity to sell their products directly to consumers, and to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to the freshest, most nutritious food the region has to offer.
Greenmarket is a program of GrowNYC, a hands-on non-profit which improves New York City's quality of life through environmental programs that transform communities block by block and empower all New Yorkers to secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations.
Union Square Greenmarket V1.2.0更新日志:
Updates to address some stability issues.

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