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算命 - Wisdom Cards

算命 - Wisdom Cards1.3

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:18.06MB
  • 语言:EN, DE
  • 版本:1.3
  • 时间:2022-03-29 04:00:44
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Mario Guenther-Bruns

应用软件Tags: 算命AR

Guidance Cards is a deck of 60 heavenly realized cards. They help you to find answers to your inner questions and give you precious messages about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, job, spiritual path - and even more.

So use that source of wise counsel: Ask for guidance, close your eyes and then read a Guidance Card. You’ll see: Small changes can make a big difference in your life. You only have to believe in the power - and the power will lead you and also give you the power to live in love, happiness and harmony.

The Features:
• 60 heavenly realized Guidance Cards
• Oracle function
• Review your cards at any time
• E-mail the cards to your beloved ones or your friends
• Flip each card to see the message in full length
• Swipe between cards
• Save cards to your picture library and use them as spiritual, inspiring wallpaper
算命 - Wisdom Cards V1.3更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

iOS 11 optimized

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