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无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区

无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区6.0.4

  • 分类:参考资料
  • 大小:306.58MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, DE, IT, JA, RU, ZH, ES, ZH
  • 版本:6.0.4
  • 时间:2022-03-27 04:36:44
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.facebook.com/dronebuddyapp
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Kirway LLC

应用软件Tags: 无人机天气助手

Drone Buddy is a handy app built for drone pilots. It provides accurate weather information for your flight. We drone pilots know wind speed is a key factor for flying drones, so we built it into our app. Besides wind, we also pull other key planetary data, such as KP index, visibility, sunrise and sunset time. Tap map to see no fly zone. We integrate no fly zone maps from various sources including worldwide airports, seaplane port, balloon port, US national park, and FAA UAS flight restriction area. As pilots, you can adjust the airport's circle range based on your level and certificate. We have very specific no fly zone parameters and you can custom them at your preference. Easily you can switch units between imperial and metric in setting, show wind speed at mph, km/h, m/s, knot.

Disclaimer: Drone Buddy No Fly Zone is only for reference purpose. You are responsible to check local regulation and law before the flight. we don't take responsibility for your damage or accident.

Pro Subscription:
• Ads free user experience
• Advanced weather and map data
• Search location for weather info
• Exclusive drone related news and stories
• Color label signals bad flying conditions
• Find nearby AMA flying sites
• Support developer for new feature
• Hourly and Daily Wind Forecast
• DJI Geo Safe Zone Map feature
• Family Sharing Access

Your subscription will automatically renew each year at the current subscription rate, and this amount will be charged to your account within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription year/month. To manage your subscription or stop it from automatically renewing, simply go to Account Settings and turn off automatic renewal at least 24 hours before your renewal date. No refunds will be issued after the annual subscription fee has been charged. Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited once a subscription is purchased. For more info, see the terms of use: http://dronebuddy.io/term
and privacy policy: http://dronebuddy.io/privacy

We hope you enjoy your flight and fly safe!

Privacy URL: http://dronebuddy.io/privacy
Send feedback to: [email protected]
Website: http://www.dronebuddy.io

The materials on Drone Buddy App are provided "as is". Drone Buddy makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Drone Buddy does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its app or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this app.
The developer does not claim ownership of any data it presents and is not responsible for its accuracy.
The developer does not claim any affiliation or endorsement to FAA, Dark Sky in any capacity.
The developer does not guarantee constant availability of the Material/Information and accept no liability for down time or access failure.
The developer is making this app available "as is" without warranty of any kind. You assume the risk of any and all damage or loss from use of, or inability to use, the app or the service.
The developer does not warrant that the app or the service will prevent you from engaging in your hobby unsafely or illegally, or meet your expectations or that the operation of the app will be uninterrupted or error-free.
You assume all responsibility and liability for all harm, whether to you or to any third party, arising or resulting from your use of the app, including without limitation, any damage to your system or data.
无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区 V6.0.4更新日志:
• Fix wind speed issue in m/s

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本站网友:四爷418在2022-02-06 09:57:22回复:无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区,中文在哪里设置
本站网友:全民枪战铁娃娃在2021-12-27 04:11:48回复:中文在哪里,please add the choice of Simplified Chinese if the developer see this advice, thank u very much
本站网友:迈克杰森在2021-11-06 04:20:57回复:请添加简体中文选项,主页信息和风向风速还是英文啊
本站网友:月光照着月光在2021-10-22 03:27:19回复:中文,怎么设置中文
本站网友:一个MC七年老玩家在2021-06-04 20:24:56回复:怎么设置中文,还行,挺有用的,温度之类的都挺准,就是禁飞区有些地方不显示,去djigo4或者fly看可以,还有就是有些是英文的
本站网友:Louis is my在2020-09-08 23:41:37回复:还可以吧,如何更改地区和更改语言 没找到更改选项
本站网友:花哥在2020-05-08 01:55:52回复:系统设置,关键信息不显示中文
本站网友:李公子服饰在2020-05-06 18:28:23回复:为什么不出纯中文版的,又中文又英文闹哪样
本站网友:福瑞恒通在2018-04-02 08:10:29回复:看不懂,中文不中文,,app能显示当地的气温,天气状况,风速,地磁变化,刷新率很高也很准。对于无人机飞行是个很棒的助手!
本站网友:楼勾坞在2017-02-16 19:50:36回复:很实用很好用的一个app,试了很多次,都是闪退,很坑的软件
本站网友:阳光 雨在2017-02-09 02:44:35回复:闪退,闪退
本站网友:yy鸡在2016-11-29 22:59:52回复:闪退,广告强制植入!超级恶心
本站网友:MrHango在2016-08-04 21:26:02回复:差评,禁飞区域不准确也没有提交错误的地方,一直都不更新。禁飞区域一直在已经不使用的机场。
本站网友:Samsonling在2016-01-28 01:41:35回复:禁飞区域不准确,不知为何,无信息显示,只有地图看到
本站网友:arielei在2015-10-30 16:15:43回复:不解中,如题、风速如果写上当前风速所属几级风、对于用户来说使用起来更舒服
本站网友:扳转大人在2015-10-08 09:08:45回复:图标太难看了、其他的还好、风速建议增加等级参考值,航拍手都来试一试


无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区

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无人机助手 - 天气,风速和禁飞区 mac下载


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