The Alpheios Reading Tools enhance any text you read in the browser by adding clickable access to dictionary entries, morphological analyses, inflection tables and grammars for any Latin or Ancient Greek word. A subset of these resources are available for Classical Arabic and Persian.
Alpheios Reading Tools V3.3.3.20210122645更新日志:
This is an incremental release. It includes fixes and improvements to Greek short definitions and the treebank integration feature. Notable fixes include:
* The Greek short definitions have been augmented and improved with definitions provided by Logeion.
* We have added the voice and tense to the popup display for Greek and Latin verb participles.
* You can now do further Alpheios lookups directly on any Greek words present in the popup. (For example, on see-references in the short definitions.)
* Various improvements to the disambiguation of morphological results when using a linked treebank.
The full list of items fixed can be found via