KABU is Canada’s ride-hailing solution that helps people “Travel like a Local” by accessing a pool of drivers who speak the language of the customer’s choice.
Safe. Reliable. Affordable. Responsible. Trustworthy.
With a few taps, customers can quickly access transportations services that work for them; where, when and how they want it.
KABU is the first ride-hailing company in British Columbia authorized to work in all five regions of the province.
We offer three levels of service: KABU Pure, our most affordable option; KABU Premium, for customers who enjoy being pampered; and KABU Plus, for up to five adults and their luggage.
To access KABU’s services, simply launch the App and let us know where you’d like to go.
We are committed to customer, driver and public safety, and vet our drivers to ensure they are qualified and trained to offer superior customer service.
KABU is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen, and treats its drivers like royalty.
And we are partnering every day with fellow Canadian business so customers can access other services through our multi-modal App.
It’s time to go…KABU.
卡布司机 V3.3.7更新日志:
- Added visual identification for Business orders
本站网友:烂死了9981在2018-02-10 19:33:04回复:卡布司机,骗人的,连续好几个司机被内部透露个人信息。千万别用这个app
本站网友:噢啦嘻嘻在2017-11-19 04:54:08回复:随便透露个人信息,非常好用!
本站网友:Penny94在2017-10-28 22:33:56回复:五星好评,Good
本站网友:I刘小妹假没hv在2017-06-06 03:50:50回复:Good,讲真,这大么有趣的模式,玩家却不太多,有点可惜。如果“免费顺风车”玩法能培养起来,无聊的生活可以有趣非常多真的的,加油!
本站网友:"fghhxdhjfdhjdQ(在2017-06-06 03:45:59回复:还真有免吧费的顺风车,在这里看到一些有趣的豪车车主和有意思的朋友。我觉得免费的才是真正的顺风车,才是真正的社交,而且这里美女挺多的,人气又很高。我一直是你们的坚定支持者。给你最多的赞。其实有的时候开车的时候有点想搭人,但是没有勇气,看到全国各地这么多有意思的朋友,发各种生活图和搭人的路线,我觉得非常受鼓舞。当然如果能搭上美女就更好八了,嘿嘿
本站网友:T_EXO你妹呵t在2017-06-06 03:18:56回复:既交到了朋友又的很方便,以前一直用滴滴出行,一个月车费就得600多,重点还老迟到..用了免费顺风车最大的一个体验就是,我不再迟到了,因为每天一起上班的同路人非常准时到路口,别人都免费带我,我都不好意思多睡会。
本站网友:T_刘建平iphoneV在2017-06-06 03:15:26回复:了赞,希望能够增加一个打赏功能,我看那么多爱心车主都免费载人,挺值得鼓励的。另外,有了打赏功能,我也好再来搭车,不然总免费总觉得不好意思,希望采纳。
本站网友:霸气好先生cfrzo在2017-06-06 02:55:45回复:八不错,开始不知道这九十个软件,只能说用了的人才会感受到APP真的是非常便利啊
本站网友:还不错还好gRB在2017-06-06 02:34:55回复:搭你车交友一举两得,好像新版本又多了一些功三能,