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E6B Aviation Calculator

E6B Aviation Calculator2.4.1

  • 分类:导航
  • 大小:6.04MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.4.1
  • 时间:2022-01-19 11:37:22
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.myE6B.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Aviation Mobile Apps, LLC.

应用软件Tags: ViaTIio

Congratulations, you have found one of the finest E6B aviation flight calculators available for the Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

With more than 75 aviation calculations, unit conversions and aviation weather reports, we are sure you will find myE6B beneficial in helping to solve the planning and navigating problems associated with flying.

In addition to a comprehensive set of flight planning calculations, myE6B includes convenient access to global METAR, TAF, AIR/SIGMET and PIREP reports, and a handy search utility for finding unknown ICAO weather station codes.

Quickly perform more than 75 aviation related calculations, including many that typically require pilots to download separate apps, such as fuel calculations and converters. myE6B accommodates every pilots calculation and flight-planning needs in a convenient package for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

• Time, speed & distance calculations
• Advanced fuel calculations
• Wind calculations
• Altitude calculations
• Add & subtract time
• GPS coordinate converter

myE6B offers in-app access to pilot weather reports, so pilots dont have to leave the app to check the latest conditions. Search by ICAO code or browse a database of worldwide reporting stations.

• TAFs
• Cloud base
• MOTNE / SNOWTAM decoder
• ICAO Code database

myE6B includes more than 65 conversions and features in-calc unit converters for all metric and U.S. units, so pilots can quickly adjust results to the preferred unit of measurement.

• Temperature
• Distance
• Speed
• Pressure
• Weight/mass
• Latitude & longitude
• Fuel and more

myE6B is built and maintained by pilots for pilots and includes the real​ calculations, not "rule of thumb" estimates like others.

Try myE6B today, you will not be disappointed, as it is tried, tested, and proven by thousands of professional pilots across the globe every day.

Visit our website for more details: http://myE6B.com
E6B Aviation Calculator V2.4.1更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Version 2.4.1
1. Fixed the 'Delete All Rows' button on the Time Calculator
2. Fixed the 'Shortcut Icons' found at the bottom of the menu screen when the iPad is in portrait orientation

Version 2.4
1. Update for iOS 11 & iPhone X
2. Fixed issue selecting fields hidden by keyboard
3. Verified DA calculations are correct
Density altitude in feet = pressure altitude in feet + (120 x (OAT - ISA temperature))

Version 2.3.12
Corrected an issue that prevented the app from opening on some iPhones after updating to 2.3.11

Version 2.3.11
1. Added ability to bookmark frequently used calculations
2. Fixed bearing on distance between points calculation
3. Removed degree symbol from climb gradient
4. TAS and CAS now standardized on TAT
5. Improved iPad split view compatibility
6. Changed the App icon
7. Dimmed the background image on the menu screen

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本站网友:Eric Zeng.在2019-03-11 18:48:11回复:E6B Aviation Calculator,It might be really a little bit expensive but, I think it worth to be paid.
本站网友:geminiding在2013-02-21 09:35:01回复:expensive, but nice,its very useful app. for air man.
本站网友:在回复:perfect app.,


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