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AngelTrack Beacon

AngelTrack Beacon2.0

  • 分类:导航
  • 大小:9.45MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0
  • 时间:2022-02-08 12:29:56
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://angeltracksoftware.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:AngelTrack LLC

应用软件Tags: ONel

AngelTrack Beacon is an optional add-on to your AngelTrack cloud server. It provides 24/7 live GPS position data for your devices, which phone home so as to appear as pins on your dispatchers maps.

The app runs unobtrusively in the background, and can report each device as either:

* the position of a vehicle ("Medic3s iPad"), or
* the position of an employee ("Scott Jones personal smartphone").

This gives your dispatchers a consistent and steady picture of the locations of their vehicles and crews, even when their mobile devices are asleep.

There is no charge for the app, nor for the 24/7 live GPS position tracking service in your AngelTrack cloud server. There is no advertising or other use of personal information. Everything is included in your AngelTrack license.

After installing the app, each device must be issued a token from your AngelTrack cloud server. The token identifies which vehicle or employee the device represents. Issue tokens from the corresponding "Vehicle Edit" or "Employee Edit" page in AngelTrack. If the mobile device is assigned to a vehicle, then issue it a vehicle token; otherwise issue it an employee token for the person who carries it.
AngelTrack Beacon V2.0更新日志:
Improved reporting while in background and while not moving.

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