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Amsterdam Offline

Amsterdam Offline1.4.1

  • 分类:导航
  • 大小:254.26MB
  • 语言:EN, DE
  • 版本:1.4.1
  • 时间:2022-02-11 06:28:35
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://apps.workflow-management.net
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Joerg Holz

应用软件Tags: LINEIN

The rotatable map is an extract from OpenstreetMap with additional contour lines (resolution up to 20m). Even small paths and paths are clearly displayed. A variety of Points of Interest (POIs) such as bus stops, doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, police, post offices, banks, ATMs, hiking trails, drinking water points, toilets, petrol stations, ...
can be displayed individually. Many POIs have additional information such as opening hours, bus line number, address, disabled access, ...

You can search individually for all POIs, as well as for a variety of streets, cities, villages and districts. An overview map shows in a reduced scale in which part of the island the map section is located. A location function shows you your current position.

Plan your way with any number of waypoints and share your information with others using the Share function.
Amsterdam Offline V1.4.1更新日志:
Faster, more map details and a more compact app

In detail:

- Conversion to vector map (more precise and faster display, more compact app, higher zoom)
- Updated data
- Setting options for the map display
- Local traffic now as switchable levels
- additional level: Taxi
- Share now with more details
- Revised "MiniMap"

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