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Altimeter Mountain GPS Tracker

Altimeter Mountain GPS Tracker3.2

  • 分类:导航
  • 大小:59.5MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, DE, IT, JA, KO, PT, RU, ES
  • 版本:3.2
  • 时间:2022-02-21 05:21:06
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://altimeter.us
  • 平台:iosUniversal

应用软件Tags: TIMTIPS

Turn your smartphone into a multi-function altimeter. Our unique algorithms determine your elevation using three sources - the GPS system in your phone, network services and, when available, your device’s barometer. Our algorithm combines data from all three sources to give you the most accurate reading possible.

Our app comes with a brand new independent application for watch devices. You can easily track your hiking trails without using your phone and synchronize data afterwards to enjoy viewing your routes on a bigger screen!

Even more, you’re able to download a portion of a map to use even if you’re offline!

Know your exact heading on your current route, view your current position on the map and use the app to track any route you choose. The app tracks and follows your route in real time, displays it, and then draws elevation and speed charts during your trip. Kick back in your favorite chair after a long trip and view all of the adventures you’ve been on, as our app automatically saves all of them in our database.

Our highly expanded history screen allows you to see all your data in one place, which includes map data with your route drawn over, trip data with elevation changes, pace, AVG. speed and more, four different charts with speed and elevation data and photos taken during a trip.

Tap or move your finger on or over any value on the chart to know when and where a particular value occurred. You can also choose from multiple functions such as speedometer, calorie counter, checkpoint times, notification sounds at preset milestones, and even auto pause should you decide to stop somewhere for coffee or to take a photo. If you do stop to take photos, they can easily be added with the data of your current position overlayed right on top! Your photos will have elevation, average speed, and location info right on them!

Our app will also save all data associated with your account so that, should you choose to switch smartphones, nothing will be lost. Simply log in with the new device and pick up where you left off.

One of the coolest features of the app is that it divides your route into segments. In the segments screen, you can see separate uphill/downhill data, you can easily check how long it took you to climb a mountain, your recent pace and elevation gain or how fast you descended later on. You can go into the details of the segment on the map, where you can see a full chart with all data displayed on a list.

If you want to see your route in Maps or another application you can easily export track data to following formats:

This app integrates with the Health app, we use it to display your heart rate and store workout data on your device.

Terms and conditions: https://mysticmobileapps.com/legal/terms/altimeter.html
Privacy policy: https://mysticmobileapps.com/legal/privacy/altimeter.html
Altimeter Mountain GPS Tracker V3.2更新日志:
1. New fresh look to history screen with more information displayed. Navigation between data is now more intuitive and user friendly.
2. New maps added to enhance your mountain routes experience and to bring offline functionality - you can now download a portion of a map for use even if you're offline.
3. Brand new independent application on watch devices - track your routes without your phone and synchronize data afterwards to enjoy viewing your routes on a bigger screen!
4. Redesigned all application views for even more intuitive experience
5. Minor changes and bug fixes.

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