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Han4ABC - 汉字学习

Han4ABC - 汉字学习1.1.5

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:58.57MB
  • 语言:CA, HR, CS, DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, EL, HI, HU, ID, IT, JA, KO, MS, PL, PT, RO, RU, ZH, SK, ES, SV, TH, ZH, TR, UK, VI
  • 版本:1.1.5
  • 时间:2022-04-14 07:24:53
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://drwjf.github.io
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Jianfeng Wu

应用软件Tags: 汉字学习学习汉字

在中国以外出生的华人很难学习汉语。通过iPhone或iPad,H4ABC APP看起来像一对一的导师可以提供您需要学习的支持,关注和时间。

- 练习汉字的笔顺,听普通话和广东话的发音,阅读含义和例句。基于Apple语音识别技术和高灵敏度和保真度麦克风,您可以进行发音测验,以学习如何准确地说普通话。为了更容易入手,最常见的汉字分布到不同的年级。

- 用中文短语猜英语单词。这些英语单词是适合年龄的学术词汇,应该在每个年级学习。

- 拖动汉字组成一个成语,理解成语和每个字符的含义,然后大声朗读。

- “唐诗三百首”用拼音标注,供你参考,一句一句听。


It is hard to learn chinese for a chinese born outside china. With an iPhone or iPad, The H4ABC APP looks like a one-on-one tutor can provide the support, attention, and time you require to learn.

- Practice stroke-order of chinese characters, listen pronunciations of mandarin and cantonese, read meanings and example sentences. Based on Apple speech recognition technology and high sensitive and fidelity microphone, you can do pronunciation quiz to learn how to speak mandarin accurately. To make easier to start, the most common chinese characters are distributed to different grade levels.

- Guess english words by chinese phrases. These english words are the age-appropriate academic vocabularies should learn in each grade.

- Drag chinese characters to compose an idiom, understand the meanings of the idiom and each character, then read it loudly.

- The 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' are labeled by pinyin for your reference, listen them sentence by sentence.

Let's start learning now.
Han4ABC - 汉字学习 V1.1.5更新日志:
适配iOS 15

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