学习arduino 帮助您从零开始学习Arduio,进阶为Hacker
所有内容适用于arduino兼容的开发板,如:Intel edsion等
** Arduino语言参考大全 **
+ 便携的Arduino语言速查手册
+ 支持搜索关键字,快速查找语言定义以及示例代码
+ 对语言进行合理的分类
- Classes 类/Library库 (25)
- Functions 方法/函数 (536)
- Types 类型 (15)
- Constants 常量 (8)
- Keywords 关键字 (4)
- Operators 操作符 (40)
- Statements 表达式 (16)
- Guides 指引 (4)
- Samples 示例 (142)
** Start 起步 **
- What is arduino?
- Basic principle just to get started
- Step-by-step install arduino software and connect it to an arduino hardware
- Instructions for other boards:
- Arduino BT
- Arduino Due
- Arduino MIN
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Zero
- Arduino Pro
- Intel Edison
- etc...
- Instructions for other shields:
- Wifi
- Wireless shield
- etc...
** Tutorial 教程 **
- 1. Basic
- Blink an LED
- Digital Read Serial, use arduino Serial Monitor
- Analog Read Serial, read a potentiometer
- etc...
- 2. Digital
- Button control LED
- Play a meloy with a speaker
- A three-key musical keyboard
- etc...
- 3. Analog
- 4. Communication
- 5. Control Structures
- 6. Sensors
- 7. Display
- 8. Strings
- 9. USB
- 10. Keyboard
- 11. Mouse
- 12. Libraries
- Ethernet
- LiquidCrystal
- Robot
- Servo
- Stepper
- Wire
- Wifi
- and more...
** Hacking 高级进阶 **
- Create libraries to extend the functionality of Arduino
- Build Process
- Bootloader
- Upgrading Firmware
- etc...
学习Arduino - Arduino大全 语言手册 入门到进阶 V1.0更新日志:
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