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Brew Control

Brew Control2.0

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:2.17MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0
  • 时间:2022-01-17 04:33:24
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://brewcontrolapp.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Fjord


*** iOS 9 Sale: 50% off until I'm bored! ***

BrewControl is the coffee app for your iPhone.

Why try to figure out how much water you need for a given amount of coffee every time? BrewControl will remember what coffee to water ratio you want, calculating the coffee and water weights on the fly.

Once you're ready to brew, BrewControl will manage the time as well. Keep track of brew time with a stopwatch timer, or countdown timer, depending on the brew method you select.

You can add and reorder time events, duplicate entire brew methods, and control ratios all from your iPhone. And when you're too busy brewing to take the phone out of your pocket, you can move the party to your Apple Watch. It's just that simple. That's simple, right?
Brew Control V2.0更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

* Note: This update rewrites the data underpinning Brew Control. If you have custom methods you really don't want to lose, write them down before updating.

Totally new user interface. I can't stress this enough; this is a completely new coat of paint and chassis and frame and engine and, well, you get the point. A brand new car. Brew Control is now ready for iOS7. I mean, iOS8. And soon iOS9.

Add and remove time segments. Use the last segment as a stopwatch if that wets your whistle.

Images for brew methods. That's cool.

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