Welcome to FoodTapp PH! Your food is a few taps away!
Currently only available in select areas within Abra
Main Features:
- Order from your favorite local restaurants!
- Fast and Easy ordering process.
- User-Friendly interface.
- Realtime order status and rider location.
and more!
Start ordering now!
FoodTapp PH - Food Delivery V2.1.2更新日志:
Fixed various issues with previous versions.
2.1.0 & 2.1.1:
NEW Payment Options: GCash and GrabPay!
NEW Feature: Drag down to refresh
NEW Feature: Chat with Rider
Added Restaurant Operating Hours.
Replaced 'Featured Restaurants' to 'New Restaurants'.
New Design on Order Tracker.
Changed coupon system to code system.
Checkout will now confirm if restaurant is still open.
Better Descriptions.
Various changes on Design and Operation.
FIXED: User logs out when connection is interrupted.