No more waste!
With Fridgio you can track and get notified about all your products' expiration dates - no more wasted products!
Fridgio has a minimal and easy to use interface that focuses exactly on what you want, helping you cut the waste and cost in your household.
It also features a grocery list where you can add products with just a swipe - make your trips to the grocery store count.
Pro Tip: You can also track items that don't traditionally belong in the Fridge - like your Netflix Subscription!
Fridgio is available in English, German and Greek and is compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 11+.
- Push Notification 1 day prior to product expiration.
- Notification Actions, manage your products without opening the App.
- All your products in one list - easily searchable (even categories).
- Grocery List - can be exported and sent (e.g SMS).
- Today Extension (Widget) to quickly glimpse at the grocery list or expiring items.
- Siri integration (she can add products and tell you what's in your Fridge or Groceries).
- 3D touch quick actions.
- iPad fully supported.
Feel free to email me feedback and ideas you'd like to see.
Fridgio V1.6更新日志:
New Version!
-Dark Mode is here!
-iOS 13 support and support for new devices.
-Bug fixing and improvements.