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Bread Alarm – Baking Clock

Bread Alarm – Baking Clock1.2.1.2

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:18.94MB
  • 语言:EN, DE
  • 版本:
  • 时间:2022-01-28 17:26:05
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Michael Steudter


Make bread without a worry!

Do you hate the trouble of tracing time while bread making? Now you can ditch your kitchen timer and use this handy app to count minutes, set bread making countdown and controls your activities easily. Make dough without burning it and enjoy the easy baking experience.

Automatic Baking Timer
The Bread Alarm is an easy to use countdown timer to help you in bread making and baking. No need to worry about forgetfulness or getting caught up in other chores while bread making as this app will send you notifications once an interval is over.

Bread Making Done Right
Usually you need to set one shorter time period with higher temperatures and one longer period with lower temperatures. You get exactly that with two separate timers that run after each other.

How to use Bread Alarm – Bake Timer Clock
• Download and launch the bread timer
• Pick a time interval for high heat
• Choose a time for lower heat
• Start your timer

Features of Bread Alarm – Bake Timer Clock

• Simple and easy bread maker stopwatch app
• Track your baking time and set intervals for bread baking
• Smooth and easy controls without any clutter
• Save time and the hassle that goes into bread making
• Appealing background and minimalistic design to eliminate the fuss
• Ad-free bread maker stopwatch experience for every baking lover
• Receive notifications when time interval is over
Are you ready to experience the freedom of bread making without the constant need to check time? Download and use Bread Alarm – Bake Timer Clock today!
Bread Alarm – Baking Clock V1.2.1.2更新日志:
- German localization
- Code improvements

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Bread Alarm – Baking Clock

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