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Brew Timer - Coffee Recipes

Brew Timer - Coffee Recipes1.17.2

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:22.5MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.17.2
  • 时间:2022-01-28 20:10:05
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://getbrewtimer.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Stephen Panaro


Brew a delicious cup of coffee every time with Brew Timer!

Brew Timer helps you produce a consistently great cup of coffee by guiding you step-by-step through the brewing process. Start with one of the included brew recipes or add your own and tune it to perfection. Brew Timer works with you, no matter what you use to brew.

Water mass, grind setting, total brew time — there's a lot to keep track of when dialing in your brews. That's why Brew Timer is packed with powerful features like grinder-specific settings, smart water adjustments, and an automatic brew journal. When you find your perfect cup, Brew Timer will help you repeat it.

Start your journey to delicious coffee today with Brew Timer!

— 26 Included Recipes —
Aeropress (x5)
Hario V60 (x4)
Chemex (x3)
Kalita Wave 155 (x2)
Kalita Wave 185 (x2)
Espresso (x2)
Hario Switch (x2)
Stagg [X] (x2)
Stagg [XF] (x1)
Clever Dripper (x1)
French Press (x1)
Siphon (x1)
Add your own! (x∞)

— 30+ Included Grinders —
Orphan Espresso
Add your own!

— Coffee Tracking —
Brew Timer comes with detailed coffee tracking built in. You can track everything from the simple "Name" and "Roaster", to the more fine-grained details like "Varietal" and "Harvest Date". To save you from typing it all out, on iOS 15 and later Brew Timer supports scanning coffee bags to automatically extract these coffee details for you.

— Brew Journal —
Every time you complete a brew, Brew Timer creates a new entry in your personal Brew Journal. Grind, coffee and water amounts are all tracked automatically. Record your own notes to capture thoughts on technique and taste for next time.

— Brew Dashboard —
After each brew, Brew Timer compiles a one-stop dashboard to make it easy to add tasting notes, reference coffee details, and tweak your recipe for next time.

Brew Timer supports metric (mL/g) and imperial (fl. oz/oz) and will convert recipes to Aeropress-specific units for you.
Brew Timer works without a scale, but it is recommended.

Follow Brew Timer on:
Instagram - https://instagram.com/brewtimerapp
Twitter - https://twitter.com/brewtimerapp

Thanks Matt Luedke for the app preview music!
Brew Timer - Coffee Recipes V1.17.2更新日志:
Tiny Things
• Added a small upsell and improved explainer of the total brew time feature. If you haven't tried it yet, do take it for a spin!
• Added a switch in Settings › Units to use grams instead of ml for water in espresso brews. Handy if you think of your shot volume in terms of mass.
• Added the ability to view all of your journals under Settings › Journals.
• Fixed a bug where the brew dashboard might show a double negative sign in some cases.
• This release removes support for iOS 10. If you can't upgrade past that you can still continue to use the app with all of its features up to the prior release.
• Updated several of the underlying libraries that keep Brew Timer running. This means hopefully less bugs for you, and an easier time for me to make the app better. This also might make the app launch a little faster if I'm lucky.

Thanks for using Brew Timer!
I love to chat about the app (and coffee!) — shoot me an email at brewtimerapp@gmail.com. (Or Twitter @BrewTimerApp + Instagram @brewtimerapp)

Happy brewing!

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