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Fermenticus Brew Log

Fermenticus Brew Log5

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:3.9MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:5
  • 时间:2022-02-05 16:21:59
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Mark Hambly


Fermenticus Brew Log is a logbook, calculator, and recipe formulator for homebrewers and small craft brewers alike.

• Optimized for both iPhone & iPad.

• Clean design - You can quickly input your ingredients and measurements, automatically perform important calculations, and concentrate on the brewing instead of the software!

• Suitable for any level of expertise - Brew Log will handle all your extract, steeped grain, partial mash, or all-grain recipes.

• Ingredients database - Add your own ingredients or select from lists of common malts, extracts, adjuncts, hops, and commercially available yeasts.

• Save your recipes - Recipes are stored on your device for quick access at any time. You can also export your recipes via email in a convenient table format that can be pasted into any spreadsheet or printed out for brew day reference.

• Organize your recipes - Sort your recipes with logbooks for organizing and archiving.

• As you add grains or hops Brew Log instantly updates estimated gravity, color, and bitterness. Great for building recipes on the go.

• Mash Rest & Sparge calculations for simple to complex mashes. Calculates volumes and temperatures for your strike water, infusions, and decoctions.

• Built in calculators to determine original and final gravity, alcohol (ABV), bitterness (IBU), color (SRM), efficiency, attenuation, and more.

• Choose a standard beer style or make up your own.

• Designed to be an efficient brewing companion for quick logging during your brew day (“Do more with fewer clicks”).

• US & Metric simultaneously supported. You can combine both US and metric units in your malt bill or hop bill. Recipes can also be converted from US to Metric and vice versa.

• Unique date handling, so you can add dates with information about the date. Useful for logging information during fermentation or bottling!

• Once you make your own measurement Brew Log will let you know your actual brew-house efficiency (for all-grain) and actual yeast attenuation.

• Save your default settings such as typical batch size and if you brew extract/all-grain/steeped. Of course, this information can always be set on a recipe by recipe basis.

••• Important Information Regarding In-App Purchases •••
Brew Log has a limitation on the number of recipes you can store on your device. All users will get 5 empty recipe slots. There is no other limitation on any functions. The free slots are the exact same as paid recipe slots.

Brew Log's In-App Purchases are tied to your iTunes account and are permanent. Your purchases on one device will be shared on all your devices. You can refresh to restore your purchases at any time.

Upgrades of +10, +25, and unlimited slots are available for less than a beer at the pub.

If you reach your maximum recipe limit, you will have to either delete existing recipes (I recommend exporting via Email first!) or purchase an upgrade before adding a new recipe or cloning an existing recipe.

Cheers and Happy Brewing!
Fermenticus Brew Log V5更新日志:
* Malt, hops, and yeast lists are now periodically updated online! Go to the settings screen to refresh manually.
* You can now suggest any missing malts, extracts, adjuncts, hops, or yeasts you'd like to see added to the default lists. Approved ingredients will be added without requiring an app update.
* A new "whats new" screen will show up whenever the app updates and can be found in the Settings as well.

New in version 4
* iPad will now visually maintain selection of recipe on left column
* Fixes selection state when tapping on recipe

New in version 3:
* Updated for modern devices layouts.
* New delete buttons.
* Many little layout fixes and minor adjustments

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