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周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱

周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱2.3.6

  • 分类:工具
  • 大小:18.33MB
  • 语言:DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, HI, IT, JA, KO, NB, PL, PT, RU, ZH, ES, SV, TH, ZH, TR
  • 版本:2.3.6
  • 时间:2022-03-10 13:19:24
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Organize Tech Labs AB



~ ~ ~ ~

Tired of not knowing what to make for dinner?
Week menu helps you out with the cook planning!

You’ll see your planned week through a neat dashboard showing your added dinners for each day.

Create your own personal recipe book!
You easily add new recipes through the build-in browser. Week menu isn’t locked to any specific source or particular page of recipes.

Regardless if you have your favourite recipes stored as bookmarks, in a text file on your computer, or if you have grandmas amazing apple pie written down on a sheet of paper.

Everything can be stored in your Week Menu!

~ ~ ~ ~


● Planning the weekly cooking - Up to six recipes per day
● Go back and see how you planned your previous weeks, or plan forthcoming weeks
● Create your own personal recipe book with your favourite recipes
● Organize the recipes the way you want - add your own categories and main ingredients
● Collect your recipes in ONE PLACE - add recipes by url, text or by taking a photo
● Randomize dinner suggestions based on main ingredient
● Look at your recipes in a full screen mode for a perfect ‘cooking view’ while cooking
● Add notes to your recipes, to help you out while cooking
● Sync your recipes and menus between your devices - available on both iPad and iPhone


Available in following languages:
English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish, Swedish, Polish, Thai, Dutch

Got any questions or feedback? Please visit us at http://www.loudfish.se/contact or send us an email at [email protected]
周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱 V2.3.6更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

* Share recipes by email, Facebook, printer or message
* Share weekly menu by email
* Fixed bug with Facebook-sharing of weekly menu
* Choose image from website when adding a recipe from a website

Bug & performance fixes

New language: Dutch

Planned for upcoming versions:
Dropbox-sync, today widget, improved daily overview of recipes/meals.

Please let us know if you miss any functionality or would like help with something.

Thanks for using Week Menu. If you like it and would like to give it a review on the App Store we will love you forever <3

Happy food planning!

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周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱

周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱 Android下载

周菜单 - 规划你的烹饪与您的个人食谱 mac下载


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