角度单位转换器应用程序将输入角度值转换为5种类型的单位。从度数转换为度/弧分/角秒也很容易。要转换的单位是度[°],弧度[rad],度/弧分/角秒 [° ′ ″],弧分 [],角秒 [”]。只需输入角度值,然后点击蓝色单位选择按钮选择角度单位,将显示转换为5种单位的值。
Angle Unit Converter application converts the input angle value into 5 types of units.
Converting from degrees to degrees/arcminutes/arcseconds is also easy.
The units to be converted are degrees [°], radians [rad], degrees / arcminutes / arcseconds [°′″], arcminutes [′], arcseconds [″].
Just enter the value of the angle, then tap the blue unit selection button to select the unit of the angle, and the values converted to 5 types of units will be displayed.
角度单位转换 V1.1.1更新日志: