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Alkaline Diet Recipes Plus+

Alkaline Diet Recipes Plus+6.0

  • 分类:健康健美
  • 大小:11.53MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:6.0
  • 时间:2022-01-10 09:45:29
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Aaron Chan


Alkaline Diet Recipes Plus+

** 50% Off Today!!

It has been suggested that diets high in acid producing elements will cause the body to try to counteract any additional acid load in the body by breaking down bone, leading to weaker bones and increased risk for osteoporosis. Conversely, alkaline producing elements will decrease the risk of osteoporosis. This hypothesis has been advanced in a position statement of the American Dietetic Association and other scientific publications, which have stated foods high in potassium and magnesium such as fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of osteoporosis through increased alkaline production.

In general, meat, wheat, refined sugar, and some processed foods cause your body to over-produce acid and should be avoided. Most fruits and vegetables, soybeans and tofu, and some nuts, seeds, and legumes are alkaline-promoting foods.

Alkaline Diet Recipes Plus+ is an application containing over 150 detailed cooking recipes that are carefully designed based on the Alkaline Diet Plan that can be prepared easily at home. The recipes are grouped into different categories for easier reference. For each recipe included in this App, a photo, an ingredient list, and a step by step cooking direction is provided. This App is an excellent app for people with who want to lose weight, have potential osteoporosis problems or those who want to eat more healthy.

The application is optimized for iPad/iPad2/The New iPad/iPad mini, iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5/5S/5C & iPod Touch.


This application has the following features:

* 2-Level Category Views with THUMBNAIL preview of each recipe
* All Category View to preview all recipes in alphabetical order
* Single Category View to list recipes of the same category
* Ability to BOOKMARK selected recipes for easier reference
* Add a CUSTOM NOTE to any recipe
* iCloud synchronized Bookmarks and Custom Notes
* EMAIL any items to yourself & friends
* A recipe SEARCH engine
* Enter a RANDOM entry when shaking the device (if you cannot make up your mind)
* OFFLINE browsing


This application is brought to you by abecook.com
Alkaline Diet Recipes Plus+ V6.0更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

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