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Belly Food

Belly Food1.4

  • 分类:健康健美
  • 大小:31.15MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.4
  • 时间:2022-02-09 10:29:56
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Belly Food


Happiness is a good Belly food at work.

We believe workplace hunger plays a huge role in employee performance. At Belly Food, we are on a mission to provide fresh, healthy and delicious food for all the grumbling and growling bellies at work so that employees can help drive focus, mood, productivity, and energy.

Belly is a fully autonomous food station that can be installed inside the office canteens. Just use your voice or phone to unlock and take awesome food for your hungry belly. No cashier, no queues and no waiting. It’s that simple!

BELLY food is prepared fresh by the best restaurants, cafes, caterers and local awesome manufacturers. We always prefer fresh, natural, and locally grown produce. Because it tastes better and more sustainable and Belly agents are constantly on the lookout to help create and curate good food with love and great attention to detail.

How does it work?
Download the app. Login to see the latest menu, ingredients, nutritional value, price and the details of your past orders, and then simply walk to a Belly, take out the food you like, and eat like you love yourself!
Belly Food V1.4更新日志:
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.

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