Thank you for checking out CalcuGrader! CalcuGrader is a completely ad-free app that helps make grading those tests and quizzes a little less of a headache. No more using calculators and forgetting the exact same grade you just looked up two calculations ago. We use no third-party tracking software or advertisements to respect your privacy and to maximize ease-of-use, clutter-free design.
This app allows you to choose the number of questions on your test or quiz, select the desired number of decimal points for the final grade, and add fractional points as well. Once you see the grade table, you can:
* Adjust the text size
* Switch between correct and incorrect answers
* Reverse the sorting
* Put two columns side-by-side for independent scrolling and easier access
* Add a curve dynamically using the step button as well if several questions should be added to the final grade.
This app supports dark mode to be easier on the eyes in dim light.