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Freepour - For Pro Bartenders

Freepour - For Pro Bartenders1.0.0

  • 分类:教育
  • 大小:41.57MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0.0
  • 时间:2022-01-13 14:41:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.freepour.app
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Bacardi-Martini B.V.


Crafted and inspired by passionate bartenders, we are committed to empowering you, as you advance in your bartending career.

Through interactive and intuitive courses, we guide you at every step of your journey. Do you want to improve your skills and knowledge in the bartending industry? Or further connect with the international bartending community?

Freepour is the best partner to nurture your bartending techniques, spirit knowledge and cocktail making skills, whilst providing you the space to share your expertise worldwide.

Using our unique platform, we encourage you to explore exciting opportunities for your bartending career, as well as amplifying your skills and enhancing your talent, knowledge and service. Together, we can explore the art, craft and business of cocktail making through engaging courses, shows and documentaries.

Learn and grow in your own time, at your own pace and rhythm. Just before a shift, commuting to work on transport or relaxing at home. You decide!

Our online trainings provide you with just want you need as a professional bartender to enhance your expertise and talent. You can choose your own learning path to get the personalised learning experience you need to grow to master the art of bartending. Feel free to add new topics to explore various tutorials that will only advance your knowledge further.

We also provide you the space to take notes on new skills learnt in our courses. Each lesson includes a to-do list where you can practice all you have learnt with fun tasks. You can practice at work with customers or at home in your own time and comfort. By engaging with your fellow bartending peers worldwide you get the chance to learn from them, share your expertise and make new friends.

You’ll discover everything you need to know about cocktail making and spirits, from the history of cocktails and spirits to recipes of your favourite cocktails and improving your bartender management skills.

We value interactive methods to learning and our courses includes text, audio, video and infographics. Once you complete our quiz at the end of each lesson you get access to the next lesson. From cocktail making to cocktail preparations including cocktail services, recommendations and techniques, we guide you through each step of your learning process.

Freepour values communities and vows to connect our international bartending community together. By engaging with your fellow bartending peers worldwide you get the chance to learn from them, share your expertise and make new friends. You can discuss topics, share your new cocktail making skills, delicious recipes and bartending skills in our comments section.
Freepour - For Pro Bartenders V1.0.0更新日志:
Bug fixing and general improvements

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