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Qnum › 计算器

Qnum › 计算器1.1.1

  • 分类:教育
  • 大小:30.66MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, DE, IT, JA, ES, TR
  • 版本:1.1.1
  • 时间:2022-05-17 05:54:43
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Ahmet Orhan Tohma

应用软件Tags: 计算器计算U

Swipe to the next screen and continue on that screen without having to clear your equation. It's that effective and easy! Stop taking notes; switch between screens for values you can not remember, copy the value or keep working on that history.

Qnum › 计算器 | 多屏体验
The most flexible and powerful way of the calculation process.

∙ Create Screens up to 8
∙ Duplicate current screen
∙ Edit any variables of the equations
∙ Start new screen with equation variable or equation result
∙ Assign shortcut keys to the Function (fn) button

Advert Policy
In Qnum › 计算器, there are no surprise ads that pop up suddenly. As exception, classic (banner) ads are shown. The billboard is positioned only on the top edge of the home screen, without affecting the design.

On the other hand, it has the same abilities and features as the paid version. Optionally, the ad-free version is available separately. To reach this, you can go to the developer page or start a new search with the name Qnum.

Thank you for your interest | Qnum
Qnum › 计算器 V1.1.1更新日志:
Release Notes
• We made improvements and bug fixes in this version.
• The role of your feedback is important in development of Qnum › 计算器. We could not have made this improvements without your ideas. Thank you for your interest and comments | Qnum

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Qnum › 计算器

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