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Line Bustr

Line Bustr2.1

  • 分类:旅游
  • 大小:43.15MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.1
  • 时间:2022-01-14 10:09:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Netitude Corporation


In the day and age of self-driving cars, voice controlled locks, doorbell, Tap & Pay and so on but restaurants walk-in seating process is still stuck in clunky past of pagers, paper-pen and tokens. The worst part is that once you get a number or put your name down, you have to wait for 10, 20, 30 minutes at times 1-hour or more. In short it sucks to waste your precious time in waiting for your turn to come. The good news is that all this is a “thing of the past” where it belongs. Introducing LineBustr - Industry first number dispensing app. Save your spot in line from anywhere with just 3-steps.

Open the app
Find your favorite restaurant
Save your spot

Restaurants can make sure your table is ready when your turn comes, if you are getting delayed you can request an extension through the app. If you are celebrating an important event or if you have special requests, you can directly message the host about it.
All though we have tried to make this experience super simple (kinda like Uber and Lyft) yet we would love to hear your suggestions. Please send us your invaluable inputs via email ([email protected]).
Line Bustr V2.1更新日志:
Improvements and fixes

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