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PickMe Sri Lanka

PickMe Sri Lanka7.3700

  • 分类:旅游
  • 大小:75.3MB
  • 语言:EN, SI, TA
  • 版本:7.3700
  • 时间:2022-01-20 21:35:59
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.pickme.lk
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:The Internet Agency


PickMe is the #1 transportation hailing platform for the Western Province of Sri Lanka with more and more of the island being covered every day. Whether you need one of Sri Lanka’s signature three-wheelers, a luxury car to impress, to anything in between, PickMe will get you where you need to go safely and comfortably with just a few taps on your phone.

With every PickMe ride, enjoy cash or cashless payments, live driver tracking, and fare estimates for a convenient and hassle free experience.

Do you need to get somewhere right now? It couldn’t be simpler with PickMe.
1. Fire up the app and make sure your current location is correctly displayed as your pick up location.
2. Enter where you want to go and get a fare estimate.
3. Select what kind of vehicle (Tuk, Nano, Mini, Sedan, Van) you want for your ride. An estimated time of arrival is also displayed to help you decide which kind of vehicle can pick you up the soonest.
4. Double check your payment method. You have the option to pay with cash or credit card.
5. If you have a discount promo code (we love giving those out!), don’t forget to enter it.
6. Lastly, tap “Book Now” and let us work our magic to get you a ride. Once matched, you can track the driver in real time with the driver’s name, picture, vehicle type, and vehicle license plate number clearly displayed on the app to help you identify your driver.

Don’t forget to kick back and enjoy the ride with PickMe!

If you need a vehicle for the day or schedule a ride in advance, you can do it right from the app as well.

We would love to hear from you so please follow us on social media:
PickMe Sri Lanka V7.3700更新日志:
1. Passenger Rating Drivers UX Revamp
You can now rate, complement and suggest improvement to our rider partners

2. Passenger - Driver Referral
Refer a friend to our rider partner community and win exciting rewards.

3.Passenger Loyalty
You can now do “Click to action” on promos, and loyalty offers

4. Passenger - Performance Offers
More you ride you get more rewards, you can track and unlock pending offers

5. Merchant Promotions - Spend More Save More
Check out latest offers from merchants

6. SKU Level Discounting and Offers
Check out latest offers from merchants

7. Tile/ Category View for Outlets
Improved navigation for popular merchants

8.Search Enhancements - Filtrations
Enhanced search experience in Food and Marketplace

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