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Welcome: A Smart City Guide

Welcome: A Smart City Guide2.0.6

  • 分类:旅游
  • 大小:203.62MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0.6
  • 时间:2022-01-27 08:06:07
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://welco.me/
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Welcome Travel AI Inc.


Discover the best places from your favorite people. Welcome is your new personalized city guide. It's powered by friends and experts — and made smart by a Real Time AI.

Welcome makes intelligent place suggestions by taking into account your preferences and habits, as well as local data like weather, time of day, popularity, holidays, and more.

From what to eat to what to do and where to play, Welcome is your personal concierge:
・ Follow your friends and see what they love.
・ See recommendations from experts & publications.
・ Access Real Time to find the right place at the right time.
・ Curate city lists that make it easy to share all your favorites.
・ Browse immersive videos that take you inside a spot before you arrive.
・ Discover local gems on your home feed.

Welcome is committed to no ads or paid placement — ever. Welcome values your privacy and your data will never be sold or shared.

We are a small team working hard to create something special for our community. We are always here to help and would love to hear your feedback.

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @welcodotme
TikTok: @welcodotme
Twitter: @welcodotme
Welcome: A Smart City Guide V2.0.6更新日志:
A brand new Welcome, rebuilt from the ground up.

Welcome 2.0 is a completely new app. While our vision of helping people step into the best local experience remains the same, how we deliver that is radically different.

From what to eat to what to do to where to play, Welcome 2.0 is your personal concierge. What's new:
・Follow your friends and see what they love.
・See recommendations from experts & publications.
・Access Real-Time to find the right place at the right time.
・Curate city lists that make it easy to share all your favorites.
・Browse immersive videos that take you inside a spot before you arrive.

This version:
・Bug fixes and performance improvements

This new app is possible because of you. Your feedback matters! Shake the app to report bugs or message us by going to settings.

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