More than just a Point of Sale!
Addmi is an All-in-One Platform that helps to maximize your business potential.
We have a Point of sale with online ordering, delivery, KDS, Inventory, Timecard,Loyalty, etc
No monthly fees, no contract.
Start with the features you want now, and add more as you need them
•Point of Sale on iPad
•Cashless/Contactless Online Ordering
•Delivery Service at only a 10% fee
•Integrated Marketing Tools
•Automated Loyalty Program
•Event Ticketing
•Hardware Financing
Your Success is Our Success
Addmi Store software is FREE to businesses
Addmi does not charge a monthly fee or software license fee.
We charge your customers a small convenience fee per transaction. This also means Addmi does not make any money unless you do.
Benefits of Choosing Addmi
•Increase business efficiency
•Reduces human error
•Increase revenue with faster table turns
•Captures invaluable data on every customer
•Untapped revenue channels
•No app required for customer orders
•Lower operating costs - no monthly fees!
Addmi Point of Sale V1.0.1更新日志:
Updating the app to be current with iOS 15. We also specifically addressing the Square reader connection issue on iOS15.