

当前位置:首页 - 苹果应用 - 美食佳饮 - Airbite!1.10


  • 分类:美食佳饮
  • 大小:38.19MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.10
  • 时间:2022-01-26 18:06:07
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.airbite.io
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Brownthread, LLC


Discover restaurant recommendations by your friends and manage bookmarks of your treasured food spots around the world all in one place.

Manage your list of favorite restaurants and cafés
•Bookmark and manage your list of favorite restaurants and recommendations for cities around the world in one convenient place.
•Rate, review, and save your recommended dishes for your favorite restaurants.
•View your bookmarks in lists or on maps and easily filter results by location and cuisine.

Discover new food spots and coffee shops
•Explore our curated restaurant guides from several cities worldwide.
•Follow your friends and favorite food bloggers to find trusted restaurant recommendations.
•Filter your friends’ favorite restaurants on your own map to discover new spots around your city easier and faster.


Only bookmark restaurants that you like
•If you do not like it, then don’t bookmark it! Our goal is to help you and your community to easily and quickly find your next favorite restaurant. To achieve this goal, we want every user’s list to represent their top food spots around the world, crème de la crème. As a result, you will find that your “overall” rating category for any restaurant cannot be lower than 5/10.

Your favorite restaurant is not on airbite? Let us know!
•We are continuously adding new restaurants and cities to airbite. If you were not able to find your favorite restaurant in one of our covered cities, then you should let us know via the prompt in the search field under our “bookmarks” tab.

City coverage
•Currently, we have thousands of restaurants in London (UK), as well as in cities all over Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE. We are continuously adding new cities. Follow us on Instagram to let us know which city we should cover next.

Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/airbite_app

Happy bookmarking!
Airbite! V1.10更新日志:
Performance improvements!

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