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Akeed Delivery

Akeed Delivery2.0.8

  • 分类:美食佳饮
  • 大小:69.66MB
  • 语言:AR, EN
  • 版本:2.0.8
  • 时间:2022-02-01 10:27:18
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://akeedapp.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Accelerated Trading and Technologies LLC


AkeedApp. Sure! We deliver with a smile :)

We are here to take the stress out of ordering takeaway on our easy-to-use app. With just a few taps you can have your favorite meal delivered right to your doorstep (or your current location).

It really is this simple;
Where are you? Type in your location
What are you craving? Browse by cuisine, price or rating
Go on, do it! Add your choices to your cart and hit Place Order
Easy payment! Pay by cash or card when your Akeed Captain arrives with your order.

And what’s even better?
You can customize your order, give instructions to our drivers, pay with cash or card, repeat your favorite order or send something yummy to a friend.

Something to say?
We would love to hear it. Send us an email [email protected] or head over to our social media and send us a message.
Akeed Delivery V2.0.8更新日志:
Akeed is proud to share the new logo and brand design as part of our ongoing evolution. The logo and design updates will be reflected across all features of the application including your mobile home screen. Update to enhance your experience and share with us any feedback you have.

تفخر أكيد بمشاركة الشعار الجديد وتصميم العلامة التجارية كجزء من تطورنا المستمر. ستنعكس تحديثات الشعار والتصميم عبر جميع ميزات التطبيق بما في ذلك الشاشة الرئيسية لهاتفك المحمول. قم بالتحديث لتحسين تجربتك ومشاركة أي ملاحظات لديك.

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