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  • 分类:软件开发工具
  • 大小:21.79MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:14.0.4
  • 时间:2022-02-07 23:25:57
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Bare Bones Software, Inc.


BBEdit is the leading professional text, code, and markup editor for the Macintosh.

As the "go to" tool for web site designers, web application developers, writers, and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text, code, and HTML/XML markup.

As a replacement for TextWrangler, BBEdit is built by the same developers, using the same award-winning technology, and is identical to TextWrangler in every way youre used to. BBEdit is 64-bit and compatible with macOS Catalina.

An intelligent interface provides easy access to BBEdit’s best-of-class features, including: grep pattern matching; search and replace across multiple files; project definition tools; function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages; code folding; FTP and SFTP open and save; AppleScript and Automator support; Unix scripting support; text and code completion; a complete set of robust HTML tools; and more.

BBEdit offers a 30-day evaluation period (beginning the first time you use it on your computer), during which its full feature set is available.

During the evaluation period, BBEdit is fully functional. After the evaluation period has expired, you can continue to use BBEdit for free, forever, with no nag screens or unsolicited interruptions.

In “free mode”, BBEdit provides a modified set of features, which incorporates a powerful set of core features. Using BBEdit in free mode costs you nothing, while providing an upgrade path to advanced features and capabilities.

To enable BBEdit’s advanced features after the evaluation period is over, you will need to have an active BBEdit subscription. Subscriptions are available on either a monthly or annual basis.

An active subscription gives you access to all of BBEdit’s advanced features, including any new features that we introduce during updates or major upgrades, for as long as the subscription is in good standing.

Please see our comparison chart for a detailed listing of which advanced features are available with a subscription.

Subscription terms and conditions:

We do not collect any data from your use of BBEdit, whether or not a subscription is in effect.

Your interactions with BBEdit and with Bare Bones Software, Inc. are protected by our privacy policy.

Your use of BBEdit is governed by the terms of its end-user license.

When you purchase a subscription, payment will be charged to your iTunes Account upon confirmation of purchase.

Your subscription will renew automatically, unless you cancel your subscription at least 24 hours prior to the end of the currently active subscription period. Your iTunes Account will be charged for the renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the currently active subscription period, and your account history will reflect the cost of the renewal.

You can manage your subscription and cancel automatic renewal by going to your "Manage my Subscriptions" page after purchase.

Purchasing a subscription will permanently end your evaluation period, and forfeits any unused portion of the evaluation period, if applicable.

For the full text of the BBEdit end user license for Mac App Store customers, please visit this page on our web site: https://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/appstore/terms.html
BBEdit V14.0.4更新日志:
This update corrects a regression in version 14.0.3 in which double-clicking on a single item in the FTP/SFTP browser window would not open it as intended; as well as an issue with menu keyboard equivalents for users of non-US keyboard layouts on macOS Monterey; and fixes for conda/anaconda virtual environment setup when running in Free Mode; and finally relaxes rules for command-line executable use when running on M1 hardware. This update is recommended for all BBEdit customers. Complete details on the changes in this version and previous 14.0.x maintenance updates are available via the Product Support link on the app listing page, or by choosing "Change Notes" from the Help menu after updating BBEdit.

Features and improvements introduced in 14.0 include (but are not limited to): a new feature for creating and storing notes; virtual-environment support via Anaconda; available enhanced code completion and navigation (enabled by built-in Language Server Protocol support); support for Emmet abbreviation expansion; built-in language support for Go, Rust, R, TOML, Pixar USDA, Lisp-like languages, and more; and many other enhancements and refinements.

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本站网友:宿舍叫我在2022-01-04 19:23:05回复:BBEdit,free mode要收费吗?
本站网友:FX_Amy在2021-10-27 23:35:13回复:free mode下要收费吗,亲们?,When I downloaded this new version BBEdit, I found I can’t open it because it will unexpected auto quit , my Mac OS version is macOS Big Sur 11.5.2. Thanks for create a so nice and free APP, pls fix this issue ASAP. Thanks!
本站网友:令狐冲plus在2021-09-23 23:17:48回复:BBEdit will unexpect auto quit with macOS Big Sur 11.5.2,更新了之后退出后就打不开了,显示已经损坏,重新下载了第三次了,希望快解决这个问题,想回退到上一个版本了
本站网友:Ping Wang在2021-07-25 01:05:15回复:无法打开,文本编辑器都按年收费了。。。
本站网友:希望加入中文gyigiygigi在2021-07-22 06:15:30回复:完了,开始按年收费了,您好 这次更新版本后 我这个软件就打不开了 是哪里出错了吗
本站网友:PeanutFlower·在2021-06-06 20:04:29回复:有误,Hope to support Chinese language
本站网友:jsc2297159754在2021-05-03 07:28:48回复:希望支持中文,nice app,but need chinese,plz!!!!
本站网友:Ruikle在2021-03-04 03:17:24回复:i need chinese,Is it better than vs code?
本站网友:继续好多好多好在2021-02-05 00:27:43回复:Too expensive,Unfortunately there is no Chinese!!! Hope to add Chinese version!!!
本站网友:小小英雄这款游戏很好玩在2020-08-04 07:32:21回复:Unfortunately there is no Chinese!!!,希望加入中文,更好上手
本站网友:꧁༺Lone༒Ranger༻꧂在2020-05-02 06:43:48回复:希望加入中文,把程序输入后根本没有任何一个按钮写上了运行或run。
本站网友:差差不要脸在2020-04-15 23:14:50回复:无法运行,不要脸,我在原来的Python上的作品变成它的啦
本站网友:Mrx;·-在2020-02-21 19:24:20回复:差,真是个垃圾软件,卸载不了还
本站网友:Jan.Lion在2019-12-23 19:42:35回复:垃圾软件卸载不了,区别于其他工具强大之处有一点在于可以高亮区分出半角和全角的双引号,这对于做国际化排除误写太友好了
本站网友:Bl c a在2019-10-24 01:39:00回复:区别于其他工具强大之处有一点在于可以高亮区分出半角和全角的双引号,这对于做国际化排除误写太友好了,不知道是不是系统问题,一直闪退打不开
本站网友:v 个好方法和规范一天在2019-08-16 21:09:50回复:一直崩溃,感觉很不错
本站网友:Dawn Song 1900在2019-04-10 11:17:42回复:赞,时隔7年,居然重新上架了,好难得
本站网友:这365天在2012-03-05 20:08:31回复:事实上我是在官网购买的,还是这个用起来最习惯..



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