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Ari: Web Hero

Ari: Web Hero202

  • 分类:软件开发工具
  • 大小:1.29MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:202
  • 时间:2022-01-10 19:21:28
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://infrarealism.github.io/ari-about
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Agustin Iturbide


# Ari: Web Hero

Ari is here to help you create your website fast and easy. No technical skills required.
If you want to build a static website, Ari is your companion.
Ari focuses on aesthetics applied to simplicity. You have very few options to customise, making it really easy and straight forward.
This app is not aiming for web professionals, developers, neither designers. This app is targeting everyone else.
Write what you want to say, select the colours you want to use, see the results on the liver preview, upload your website in your prefered manner (Ari doesnt take care of uploading it or connecting with any server or cloud providers).

## Features
- Create a single page static website
- Create a static blog
- Add links
- Add images
- Select a basic colour scheme
- Websites generated are sensitive and dynamic for Dark and Light modes

## Pricing
- No ads
- No subscriptions
- No tracking
- No data sharing with anyone

## Privacy Policy
This app is not tracking you in anyway, nor sharing any information from you with no one.
Whatever you do with this app is up to you and we dont want to know about it.
Ari: Web Hero V202更新日志:
- Updated compatibility for iOS 14

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Ari: Web Hero

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