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Context Menu

Context Menu1.1

  • 分类:软件开发工具
  • 大小:5.48MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2022-05-11 10:47:58
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Langui.net

应用软件Tags: ON

Context Menu is a configurable right-click menu extension for Finder.

You can easily attach applications / shell scripts to the contextual menu of Finder with the help of Context Menu.

Note: Context Menu is implemented as a Finder extension, you need to enable "Context Menu Extension" in "System Preferences » Extensions" to make the context menu appear.


Q: I can't find the context menu?
A: Please make sure that you've enabled "Context Menu Extension" in "System Preferences » Extensions", and make sure that you've added the specific location to the Context Menu preferences.
If the problem persists, please disable "Context Menu Extension" in "System Preferences » Extensions" and then enable it again. The last resort is to relaunch Finder or restart your computer.

Q: Is it possible to add the context menu to mounted volumes?
A: Yes. You need to add the volumes to the Context Menu preferences first.

Q: How to hide Context Menu from the Dock?
A: Please simply quit Context Menu, the context menu extension will continue to work.

Q: Where are the actions stored?
A: You can find all the installed actions at "~/Library/Group Containers/85P8ZUTQL8.net.langui.ContextMenu/Actions".
Context Menu V1.1更新日志:
• Support Apple silicon

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