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APSI Bench

APSI Bench1.1.1

  • 分类:软件开发工具
  • 大小:2.96MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1.1
  • 时间:2022-05-11 11:39:53
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://cmg-software.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Christian Moeller

应用软件Tags: PS

This app is aimed at interested users and testers who want to test the performance of the integrated CPUs. For this purpose, it offers a mixed test for single-core and multi-core CPUs, as they also occur in real life. In the single core test, the app calculates ten million random numbers from a total of six different data types (Int, Float, etc.). Such calculations are crucial for game apps. APSI Bench then calculates one million FFT transformations that are common in audio applications, for example. In addition to this, the app also runs a ray tracing algorithm that uses several CPU cores at the same time. You can set how many cores should be used here. The results of these tests are based on a reference system (currently a Macbook Pro 16 inch with an eight-core Intel i9 CPU). That reaches about 100 points. Every user of the app can test the ratio of their Apple product to the MacBook Pro.
A decisive extension is the newly built in long-term measurement. Here the app carries out the ray tracing tests with all available CPUs over a long period of time that can be set by the user (up to 30 minutes). The result is then displayed in graphic form. If problems arise with overheating of the CPU cores, this will be visible in the graphic.
Finally, the app is also a technology demonstration. The entire interface was designed in SwiftUI 2, with gorgeous animations being used. The app will also be offered as a universal app for macOS.
APSI Bench V1.1.1更新日志:
- change to safer but slower FFT algorithm to avoid possible crashes
- added a help page
- a few optical improvements on the log

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