In the last 5 years, backbars have increased from 50 to 150 bottles on average.
This means that bar managers have to handle more products and suppliers
than ever before.
Today, ordering means a lot of pen-and-paper work followed by
a phone call or an email, one by one to all of your suppliers.
Some distributors are launching online ordering systems, however
for users it is still a pen and paper scenario combined with the additional
online one-by-one approach.
Getty is the best way for sending orders to all of your distributors at the same time.
• Your bar sorted by distributors automatically
• Send your orders directly to each beverage vendor
without picking up the phone or drafting emails.
• Special deals from your distributor for the products You are interested in
• See new products on a market according to your product list.
• Product selection according to your budget.
Use it absolutely free.
Getti swift.ordering V1.3.5更新日志:
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance improvements.