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HKVCA 香港創業及私募投資協會

HKVCA 香港創業及私募投資協會1.14

  • 分类:商务
  • 大小:100.66MB
  • 语言:AR, HY, DA, NL, EN, FR, KA, DE, EL, HE, ID, IT, JA, NB, PL, PT, RU, ZH, ES, SV, ZH, TR, UK
  • 版本:1.14
  • 时间:2022-04-11 09:19:06
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association Limited

应用软件Tags: 香港私募

Founded in 1987, the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association was established with the objectives of promoting and protecting the interests of the venture capital industry in Hong Kong. The HKVCA's mission is to stimulate a vibrant venture capital and private equity industry in Asia while promoting the role of member firms in value creation, innovation and economic development. The Association provides a forum for networking and experience sharing for its members; promotes industry professional ethics, international best practices and standards; and represents the views of its members to governmental and other relevant bodies.

The HKVCA App is a networking application for participants of the Association’s flagship events, providing pertinent information and the ability to network with other participants before, during and even after the events. This powerful app brings the HKVCA’s events direct to your mobile device and allows you to:

+ View each event programme
+ Check out speaker profiles
+ See who else is attending via attendee lists
+ Peruse the sponsors’ show case
+ Navigate the venue
+ Communicate via in-app messaging
+ Watch broadcasting feeds
HKVCA 香港創業及私募投資協會 V1.14更新日志:
Various bug fixes and enhancements.

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HKVCA 香港創業及私募投資協會

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