欢迎使用 Accountit,这是一个简单但功能强大的日常交易跟踪器,绝对可以帮助您全面了解财务状况。使用 Accountit,跟踪和组织您的所有交易变得尽可能轻松,这一切都归功于该应用程序提供的精彩功能。
Accountit 允许您添加无限数量的交易,这些交易也可以组织到您可以自己创建和自定义的不同类别中。使用 Accountit Plus,您还可以获得绝佳的机会,使用可以创建并分配给任何交易的自定义标签,更好、更高效地过滤和组织所有交易。
如果您有任何经常性交易,请不要担心,因为我们也为您提供保障!只需将交易标记为重复并在添加时设置频率,Accountit 将为您处理其余的事务,您无需每次都手动添加完全相同的交易。使用 Accountit,您还可以通过单击几下将各种附件(例如收据)添加到您的交易中,因为您可以直接从应用程序扫描收据和拍照。
该应用程序的主要目标之一是帮助您快速分析您的所有交易,这就是为什么我们在我们的应用程序中添加了一个专门的“摘要”屏幕,根据您的交易显示各种信息。您可以过滤预设时间间隔显示的数据,此外,使用 Accountit Plus,您还可以通过选择开始日期和结束日期来自行设置自定义时间间隔。
Accountit 在构建时考虑了隐私和安全性,因为我们坚信您甚至不必担心应用程序会收集哪些数据,因为 Accountit 不会收集与您相关的任何个人数据。如果您在“设置”中启用了此功能,所有数据都将存储在您的设备本地并通过 iCloud 安全共享。我们将 Accountit 设计得尽可能直观和易于使用,并且在您的任何 Apple 设备上绝对会让您感到宾至如归。
Accountit 提供了广泛的各种功能,您可以完全免费使用,但如果您觉得免费功能不足以满足您的需求,您可以随时升级到 Accountit Plus 以获得更好的体验。使用 Accountit Plus,您可以访问无限数量的帐户、类别和标签,您可以添加和自定义这些帐户、类别和标签,您还可以在连接到 iCloud 帐户的多台设备上同步所有交易。
- 无限数量的交易
- iCloud 同步
- 能够为您的任何交易添加注释
- 收入、费用和转移交易
- 一个帐户
- 预算
- 经常性交易
- 能够向交易添加任何附件
- 多种排序和过滤选项,可帮助您更好地组织交易列表
- 本月交易摘要,绝对可以帮助您了解交易的全貌
- CSV 导入和导出
- 5 个漂亮的小部件
- 能够使用面容 ID(仅限 iOS/iPadOS)或触控 ID 锁定应用程序
- 适用于 iOS、iPadOS、macOS 和 watchOS
PLUS 特点:
- 无限数量的帐户
- 访问类别和标签
- iCloud 共享
- 10 种不同的应用程序图标供您选择最适合您的主屏幕的应用程序图标(仅限 iOS/iPadOS)
- 15 种不同的色调供您选择,让您的应用程序感觉更独特(仅限 iOS/iPadOS)
- 自定义外观(系统、浅色和深色)
- 50 种不同的货币
- 批量编辑
- 无限总结
[email protected] 与我们联系。
Accountit: 预算和费用 V2.0.2更新日志:
Thank you for downloading Accountit! The wait is over and Accountit 2.0 is finally here! We have been working really hard over the past few months to release this huge update that features an insane amount of new features and improvements that we hope you will love and enjoy using!
What is Fixed:
- Fixed the bug with transaction's attachments not syncing properly between devices (We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused and could you please kindly go to the 'Edit Transaction' screen on the device you added the attachments to the particular transaction and tap on the 'Done' button)
Accountit 2.0:
- New app name
- Significantly improved iCloud sync
- You can now only assign a single category to a transaction which helps to make the summary more accurate
- Support for accounts
- Ability to add budgets to accounts, categories and tags
- iCloud sharing
- iOS/ iPadOS 15 support
- 25 new currencies
- Completely new UX (We have removed the tab bar and now pretty much everything is conveniently located on a single screen)
- Standalone watchOS app
- Completely rebuilt macOS app
- QuickNote support
- Handoff support
- Bulk editing
- Swipe actions support
- Ability to duplicate items
- Improved 'Summary' screen with the new charts
- Ability to archive items
- New 'Transfer' transaction type
- Improved recurrence (We fixed various bugs with the transaction's recurrence feature and made it much more reliable)
- Ability to add notes to accounts, categories and tags
- Various enhancements to animations
- Ability to scan text
- Various performance improvements
If you have a feature request or if you have found any bugs or things that are behaving weirdly, we would highly appreciate it if you could let us know by getting in touch with us at
[email protected].
Thank you for using Accountit, we are extremely grateful that you have chosen our app! If you are enjoying it, please consider leaving a positive review since it helps us a lot.