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母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器

母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器3.2.0

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:46.06MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:3.2.0
  • 时间:2022-04-11 17:26:42
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.penguinapps.com.au/
  • 平台:iosUniversal

应用软件Tags: 追踪

Countless new parents track and predict their newborns breastfeedings with Feed Baby, the best baby tracker for your iPhone, iPad and now the Apple Watch. So stop stalling and start tracking your new babys routine today!

*** Featured by Apple in the Lifestyle -> Parenting section (Australia & New Zealand) ***
*** Featured by Apple in Apple Watch - Family (Australia & New Zealand) ***

Track and Monitor your babys Breast Feeds, Diapers, Nappy, Sleeps, Pumpings, Breastfeeding, Journals and Medicines. Record your Babys Bottle and Breast feeds as well as Solid feeds with this Baby Tracker.

The premier Baby Tracker for any of your mobile device! Now with great Apple Watch support!

Feed Baby is the premier baby tracker for logging your newborns breastfeeds and nursing sessions. You won't ever forget when your newborns last nursing session was, and how long it went for as long as you use this baby feeding tracker app.

Feed Baby also allows you to track your Breast Pumps so that you always know exactly how much Breast milk you have pumped with this baby tracking app.

Feed Baby includes detailed reports and charts/graphs that allow you to visualize some of your most important data. Feed Baby also includes detailed Timelines that show where during each day each of your baby activities occurred.

Feed Baby also allows you to export your data to CSV reports so that you can open these reports in your favourite spreadsheet program on your personal computer for further viewing and generation of custom reports.

We focus on a simple and easy to use interface. The big buttons make it easy for tired mums and dads to start or add new records during those sleepless nights!

Feed Baby also includes an iOS8 Today Widget that allows you to add up to 5 most commonly used actions to your Notifications. Actions such as starting breast feeds, recording diaper changes, and adding a new pump can be accessed directly from the Notification shade without ever having to open Feed Baby. Now you can get access to your most commonly used actions without even having to open Feed Baby!

Includes syncing between any of your mobile devices!

Key Features include:

- Easily record Breast/Bottle/Solid feeds with a single touch. Recording your Babys feeds has never been so easy!
- Easily record your newborns nursing sessions with a single touch.
- Easily record Diaper and Nappy changes with a single touch
- Easily record Dry Diapers and Dry Nappy with a single touch
- Easily start and stop Baby Sleeps with a single touch
- Easily record Breast Pumpings with a single touch
- Easily record Journals with a single touch
- Easily record your Babys Milestones in the Journals screen with a single touch
- Easily record Growths (Weight, Height, Head circumference) with a single touch
- Easily record Medication Records with a single touch
- Easily add/remove Medicines with their own graphics and color schemes
- Easily view all of your activities for any given day in the "Today" screen. The Today screen shows all of your Breast Feedings, Diaper changes and all other activities for each day.
- Easily view all of your activities broken down by the hour of each day in the "Timeline" screen. The Timeline screen shows where during each the day every single one of your babys activities occurred.
- Data Export that allows you to view your data on your personal computer for more detailed analysis and custom report generation.
- Supports Multiple Babys. Track more than one babys growth easily and simply, and switch between them easily
- Device-to-Device Synchronization between any number of devices so that Mom and Dad always knows whats going on!
- Charts of some of your most important data
- Detailed Summaries of some of your most important data
- 3 Themes to choose from
- Fully supported with regular updates. 'Feed Baby' is a fully supported product. And we provide email support for any questions you have or issues you may encounter.
母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器 V3.2.0更新日志:

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本站网友:szeyu chuh在2019-11-20 04:42:17回复:母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器,googskjhsb
本站网友:jiaeva12在2018-07-21 19:46:14回复:good,很实用的app!不错
本站网友:Fiona dandan在2018-05-16 01:10:05回复:很实用,Practical and useful
本站网友:Genien在2018-03-05 23:49:27回复:Good app,要是支持中文就更棒了no Chinese languange support
本站网友:thenatural2014在2018-01-18 20:41:53回复:功能完善,用户体验超好的app,比那些中文的下载量大的都好用,还没有广告,也不收费,还有apple watch免费版,好像是限时免费,好幸运。
本站网友:lsybily在2018-01-07 01:55:10回复:非常好用,很好用!
本站网友:ry632在2017-12-09 12:42:16回复:满分好评,非常棒!If it can have Chinese version that will be perfect!
本站网友:V.2012.C在2017-11-15 04:23:19回复:非常有用的软件 very useful,用了4个月了 觉得很好一个
本站网友:sdfffsjkihkuh在2017-11-02 21:53:40回复:用了4个月了 很好用,非常好的app,实用又方便。
本站网友:Silviabb在2017-10-25 02:24:27回复:很好,A Handy tool for monitoring babys activity
本站网友:没有昵称半夜来评论在2017-09-09 14:53:56回复:A Handy tool for monitoring babys activity,界面设计清新美观一目了然,功能设计特别方便,很多小细节也考虑的到位,完全能满足我的需要。是一款用心的好app。
本站网友:露露笨笨在2017-08-18 02:32:24回复:功能强大,使用起来不错。
本站网友:la〜〜在2017-08-10 07:27:02回复:不错,很好的记录了宝宝的日常
本站网友:2498746在2017-08-05 05:42:07回复:好用,非常适合新手妈妈,可以统计很多信息,虽然不是免费,但你值得拥有。
本站网友:ya24_yang在2017-05-01 13:39:31回复:好用,非常好用的哺乳小帮手!界面清晰 操作方便!
本站网友:ooqweasd在2017-04-25 14:15:20回复:非常好用的哺乳小帮手,我用过的最好用的哺乳、换尿布记录神器
本站网友:jiaya789在2017-04-17 01:24:30回复:超级好用,很好用!虽然我还没看出我宝宝的规律呜呜~
本站网友:大裤衩儿在2017-04-02 06:03:36回复:好用!,easy to remember everything about baby
本站网友:呵呵呵呵呵呵 ii 哈哈刚刚在2017-03-23 08:35:45回复:Great app for baby and mommy,感觉希望有的内容里面都有了
本站网友:Potato meow在2017-03-17 19:29:54回复:要有的都有,不错,内容很齐全
本站网友:Flyingnot在2016-07-29 19:03:21回复:不错的软件,很好用
本站网友:doudou5021在2016-04-24 04:44:53回复:很好用,超好用的一款养育记录软件!如果出中文版就更好了
本站网友:stephanie_ding在2015-12-23 02:53:05回复:?,super practice app!
本站网友:杨小洋nina在2015-12-07 01:47:41回复:perfect,非常好用 除了没有中文没有其他缺点 支持!
本站网友:wutaodehai在2015-11-09 15:39:14回复:非常好用,功能齐全易用,界面美观,赞?
本站网友:goodgirlii在2015-05-23 19:51:54回复:很不错,如题
本站网友:小蓝是好青年在2014-06-04 13:49:22回复:baby的照片不能更换,Tank you
本站网友:在回复:Its useful to me and helps me a lot!,


母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器

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母乳喂养 和 尿布 追踪器 mac下载


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