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白噪声 - 声音, 睡眠 - 呼吸

白噪声 - 声音, 睡眠 - 呼吸1.2

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:64.25MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.2
  • 时间:2022-04-11 08:41:06
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Andrei Nemtsou

应用软件Tags: 白噪声睡眠声音

White noise is like meditation and ASMR in one. The soothing sounds of nature have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and help to relax and fall asleep after a hard day at work.

All you have to do is choose the relaxing sounds that you like. Our gallery of sounds is constantly updated. The following sounds are currently available:

Fan noise - monotonous background, distracting from unnecessary thoughts.
Rain noise - raindrops create a peaceful atmosphere.
River noise - the flowing water is always relaxing.
Bonfire noise - the crackle of a burning fire envelops you with warmth.
Sound of waves - makes you feel like you are on vacation.

The app also has soothing music that can be combined with sounds. Convenient control makes it possible to make the melody or sounds quieter. To find a balance that suits you. For example, make the rain noise louder, and the melody quieter, or even turn it off.

Before falling asleep, you can set the sleep timer and select 15, 30, 60, or 90 minutes, after which the application will automatically shut down.

Insomnia is a very common disease now, which is more common every year. Poor sleep harms the entire body. The normal production of melatonin, which helps fight stress, is interrupted. The Anti-stress effect is just one of the important benefits of melatonin. It also helps to improve immunity and, as a consequence, helps to resist diseases.

Deep sleep is essential for a person, and a poor or prolonged lack of sleep kills the body. In experiments, scientists have found that sleep is essential for the health of the brain and internal organs.

According to the main, most well-founded theory, the brain needs sleep to normalize contacts between neurons and to excrete the products of neuronal metabolism.

Sleep promotes the processing and storage of information. REM sleep facilitates the consolidation of the studied material, and REM sleep implements subconscious patterns of expected events.

In a dream, the brain removes unnecessary neural connections.
Sleep ensures the removal of harmful waste products of brain cells from the brain.

There is speculation that sound and good sleep allow neurons to even repair DNA!

Once you start using our sleep app, you will feel anxiety relief and relaxation. This will help you fall asleep faster and recover better from sleep.

Good Night - Zzz
白噪声 - 声音, 睡眠 - 呼吸 V1.2更新日志:
Breathing exercises and new localizations added!

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白噪声 - 声音, 睡眠 - 呼吸

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